
Defines functions qgis_randompointsinextent

Documented in qgis_randompointsinextent

##' QGIS Algorithm provided by QGIS (native c++) Random points in extent (native:randompointsinextent). This algorithm creates a new point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within a given extent. A distance factor can be specified, to avoid points being too close to each other. If the minimum distance between points makes it impossible to create new points, either distance can be decreased or the maximum number of attempts may be increased.
##' @title QGIS algorithm - Random points in extent
##' @param EXTENT `extent` - Input extent. A comma delimited string of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105'. Path to a layer. The extent of the layer is used..
##' @param POINTS_NUMBER `number` - Number of points. A numeric value. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param MIN_DISTANCE `distance` - Minimum distance between points. A numeric value. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param TARGET_CRS `crs` - Target CRS. CRS as an auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111'). CRS as a PROJ4 string (e.g. 'PROJ4:…'). CRS as a WKT string (e.g. 'WKT:…'). Path to a layer. The CRS of the layer is used..
##' @param MAX_ATTEMPTS `number` - Maximum number of search attempts given the minimum distance. A numeric value. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param OUTPUT `sink` - Random points. Path for new vector layer.
##' @param ... further parameters passed to `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()`
##' @param .complete_output logical specifying if complete out of `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` should be used (`TRUE`) or first output (most likely the main) should read (`FALSE`). Default value is `TRUE`.
##' @param .quiet logical specifying if parameter `.quiet` for `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` Default value is `TRUE`.
##' @param .messages logical specifying if messages from `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` should be printed (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Default value is `FALSE`.
##' @details
##' ## Outputs description
##' * OUTPUT - outputVector - Random points
##' @export
##' @md
##' @importFrom qgisprocess qgis_run_algorithm

qgis_randompointsinextent <- function(EXTENT = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), POINTS_NUMBER = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), MIN_DISTANCE = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), TARGET_CRS = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), MAX_ATTEMPTS = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), OUTPUT = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(),..., .complete_output = .complete_output_option(), .quiet = .quiet_option(), .messages = .message_option()) {


  if (.messages){
    output <- qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm("native:randompointsinextent", `EXTENT` = EXTENT, `POINTS_NUMBER` = POINTS_NUMBER, `MIN_DISTANCE` = MIN_DISTANCE, `TARGET_CRS` = TARGET_CRS, `MAX_ATTEMPTS` = MAX_ATTEMPTS, `OUTPUT` = OUTPUT,..., .quiet = .quiet)
  } else {
      output <- qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm("native:randompointsinextent", `EXTENT` = EXTENT, `POINTS_NUMBER` = POINTS_NUMBER, `MIN_DISTANCE` = MIN_DISTANCE, `TARGET_CRS` = TARGET_CRS, `MAX_ATTEMPTS` = MAX_ATTEMPTS, `OUTPUT` = OUTPUT,..., .quiet = .quiet)

  if (.complete_output) {
    qgisprocess::qgis_extract_output(output, "OUTPUT")
JanCaha/r_package_qgis documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 6:11 a.m.