Man pages for JasonHackney/ReportingTools
Tools for making reports in various formats

addReportColumns-methodsDecorate the Basic data.frame Representation of an Object
BaseReportType-classClass '"BaseReport"'
CSVFileFunction for creating and initializing a CSVFile for...
CSVFile-classClass '"CSVFile"'
custHeaderPanelDefine a header panel with custom JS/CSS for a Shiny app
DataPackageFunction for creating and initializing an object of class...
DataPackage-classClass '"DataPackage"'
filename-methodsMethods for getting the name of a file for a CSVFile or...
finish-methodsFinalizing reports after publishing results
HTMLReportCreating and initializing an HTMLReport object
HTMLReport-classClass '"HTMLReport"'
HTMLReportRef-classClass '"HTMLReportRef"'
LinkCreate a table of Links
mockRnaSeqDataA counts table of mock RNA-deq data in mouse.
objectToHTML-methodsTransform R objects into HTML form to be inserted in HTML...
publish-methodsMethods for publishing a variety of data types in selected...
readReportRead in an Existing Report
ReportHandlers-classClass '"ReportHandlers"'
reporting.themeColor theme for use in ReportingTools
reporting.theme.alternateAlternate color theme for use in ReportingTools
toReportDF-methodsClass Specific Default Behavior for Transforming Objects to...
validConnectionDetermine connection validity
JasonHackney/ReportingTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 9:24 p.m.