Man pages for JasperHG90/TenK
Retrieve full text reports or business descriptions from SEC 10-K reports

filings10K2013All FTP links to filed 10-K reports in 2013
filings10K2014All FTP links to filed 10-K reports in 2014
filings10K2015All FTP links to filed 10-K reports in 2015
filings10K2016All FTP links to filed 10-K reports in 2016
filingsByYearRetrieve all submitted 10-K filings for a particular year
TenK_getConverts an FTP url from an SEC 10-K report to a URL pointing...
TenK_processScrape an entire 10-K report or the business description...
JasperHG90/TenK documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:33 a.m.