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This package contains functions and algorithms to extend the lidR package (versions >= 4.0.0). These functions or algorithms are not yet or will not be included in the lidR package either because they are:

This package will NOT be submitted on CRAN and must be installed from github. It depends on lidR (>= 4.0.0) and should be seen as a laboratory with more or less interesting content inside.


Lake delineation :microscope:

Lake delineation from point cloud using delineate_lakes()

Powerline segmentation :microscope: :warning:

Powerline segmentation from point cloud using find_transmissiontowers(), classify_transmissiontowers(), classify_wires(), track_wires()

Various tree detection/segmentation from peer-reviewed papers :zap:

Parameter free tree detection :microscope:

lmfauto() is a fast algorithm for individual tree detection with 0 parameters designed to process thousands of square kilometres without supervision.



To install the package from github make sure you have a working development environment.

Jean-Romain/lidRplugins documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 5:39 a.m.