
context('Query voteview database with string, download vote metadata')

df <- voteview_search('rhodesia', enddate = 1975)
df_sub <- voteview_search('rhodesia', enddate = 1980)

test_that('search function hits database', {
  expect_error(voteview_search('test'), NA)

test_that('query returned correctly', {
  expect_equal(attr(voteview_search('rhodesia', enddate = '2000'),
               '(rhodesia) AND (enddate:2000)')
  expect_equal(attr(voteview_search('rhodesia AND (enddate:2000 OR congress:110)'),
               'rhodesia AND (enddate:2000 OR congress:110)')

test_that('search function options query leela correctly', {
  expect_error(voteview_search('Iraq', startdate = 2014), NA)
  expect_error(voteview_search('Iraq', startdate = '2013-10-01'), NA)
  expect_error(voteview_search('Iraq', enddate = '2014-10-01'), NA)
  expect_error(voteview_search('Iraq', chamber = "House"), NA)
  expect_error(voteview_search('Iraq', chamber = "House", congress = 110:113), NA)

test_that('search function returns example dataframe with correct number of votes', {
  expect_is(df, 'data.frame')
  expect_is(df_sub, 'data.frame')
  expect_equal(nrow(df), 8)
  expect_equal(nrow(df_sub), 32)
  expect_is(df_sub$id, "character")
  expect_identical(length(unique(df_sub$id)), nrow(df_sub))

test_that('unicode searches work', {
  # does crazy unicode search, makes sure only warning is that no rollcalls were found
  expect_warning(voteview_search('vuvz7zdué'), 'No rollcalls found')
  expect_warning(voteview_search('"vuvz7zdué"'), 'No rollcalls found')
JeffreyBLewis/Rvoteview documentation built on Oct. 15, 2019, 10:18 p.m.