View source: R/geometrical_functions_sf.R
lines_extremities | R Documentation |
Generate a feature collection of points with the first and last vertex of each line in a feature collection of linestrings.
lines |
A feature collection of linestrings (simple Linestrings) |
A feature collection of points
wkt_lines <- c(
"LINESTRING (0 0, 1 0)",
"LINESTRING (1 0, 2 0)",
"LINESTRING (2 0, 3 0)",
"LINESTRING (0 1, 1 1)")
linesdf <- data.frame(wkt = wkt_lines,
id = paste("l",1:length(wkt_lines),sep=""))
all_lines <- sf::st_as_sf(linesdf, wkt = "wkt")
all_lines <- cbind(linesdf$wkt,all_lines)
points <- lines_extremities(all_lines)
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