
Defines functions cross_kfunctions.mc cross_kfunctions kfunctions.mc kfunctions randomize_distmatrix randomize_distmatrix2

Documented in cross_kfunctions cross_kfunctions.mc kfunctions kfunctions.mc randomize_distmatrix randomize_distmatrix2

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### base k functions ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

# kfunc <- function(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w){
#   breaks <- seq(start,end,step)
#   #t1 <- Lt/(n*(n-1))
#   t1 <- (n-1)/Lt
#   k_values <- sapply(breaks,function(dist){
#     int_mat <- t(t(dist_mat<=dist) * w)
#     diag(int_mat) <- 0
#     tot <- (rowSums(int_mat))
#     k <- t1 * sum(tot)
#     return(k)
#   })
#   return(k_values)
# }

# gfunc <- function(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w){
#   breaks <- seq(start,end,step)
#   width <- width/2
#   #t1 <- Lt/(n*(n-1))
#   t1 <- (n-1)/Lt
#   k_values <- sapply(breaks,function(dist){
#     int_mat <- t(t(dist_mat<=dist+width & dist_mat>=dist-width) * w)
#     diag(int_mat) <- 0
#     tot <- (rowSums(int_mat))
#     k <- t1 * sum(tot)
#     return(k)
#   })
#   return(k_values)
# }

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### base cross k functions ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

# cross_kfunc <- function(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,na,nb,wa,wb){
#   breaks <- seq(start,end,step)
#   #t1 <- Lt/(na*nb)
#   t1 <- (na/Lt)
#   # note : in the matrix, the rows are the b points
#   # and the columns are the a points
#   k_values <- sapply(breaks,function(dist){
#     # applying the a weight (row wise)
#     int_mat <- sweep((dist_mat<=dist), MARGIN = 2, FUN = "*", wa)
#     # applying the b weight (col wise)
#     #int_mat <- t(t(int_mat) * wb)
#     int_mat <- sweep(int_mat,MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*", wb)
#     tot <- (rowSums(int_mat))
#     k <- t1 * sum(tot)
#     return(k)
#   })
#   return(k_values)
# }

# cross_gfun <- function(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,na,nb,wa,wb){
#   breaks <- base::seq(from = start,to = end, by = step)
#   width <- width/2
#   #t1 <- Lt/(na*nb)
#   t1 <- (na/Lt)
#   g_values <- sapply(breaks,function(dist){
#     d1 <- dist + width
#     d2 <- dist - width
#     int_mat <- (dist_mat <= d1 & dist_mat >= d2)
#     int_mat <- base::sweep(int_mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "*", wa)
#     int_mat <- base::sweep(int_mat,MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*", wb)
#     tot <- rowSums(int_mat)
#     k <- t1 * sum(tot)
#     return(k)
#   })
#   return(g_values)
# }

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### randomization functions ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' @title Points on network randomization simplified
#' @description Randomize location of points on a network.
#' @param graph An graph object from igraph
#' @param edge_df A DataFrame describing the edges
#' @param n The number of point
#' @param resolution The maximum size of the network edges
#' @param nsim The number of distance matrices to generate
#' @param start_vert The vertices from which the distances will be calculated.
#' if null, then the distances are calculated from the generated locations.
#' @return A numeric matrix with the distances between points
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom igraph E edge_attr
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
randomize_distmatrix2 <- function(graph, edge_df, n, resolution, nsim, start_vert = NULL){
  ## step1 : generate all the candidate nodes on the graph
  ## a : select all the edges with a length superior to resolution
  edit_edge <- subset(edge_df, edge_df$weight > resolution)
  all_names <- names(igraph::V(graph))

  ## step2 : create the new needed vertices and edges
  vertices_and_distances <- lapply(1:nrow(edit_edge), function(i){
    this_edge <- edit_edge[i,]
    start_node <- all_names[this_edge$start_oid]
    end_node <- all_names[this_edge$end_oid]
    dists <- rep(resolution, floor(this_edge$weight/resolution))
    if(sum(dists) == this_edge$weight){
      dists <- dists[1:(length(dists)-1)]
    names(dists) <- paste("fict",i,1:length(dists), sep="_")
    return(data.frame(starts = c(start_node, names(dists)),
                      ends = c(names(dists), end_node),
                      weight = c(dists, this_edge$weight - sum(dists))))

  all_elements <- do.call(rbind, vertices_and_distances)
  all_elements <- subset(all_elements,all_elements$weight>0)

  ## step 3 : creating a new graph with the new vertices and edges
  new_graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(all_elements, directed = FALSE)

  ## then merging it with the previous graph
  tot_graph <- igraph::union(graph,new_graph, byname = TRUE)

  ## step 4 correcting the weights
  ws <- igraph::E(tot_graph)
  df_tmp <- data.frame("w1" = ws$weight_1,
                       "w2" = ws$weight_2)

  df_tmp[is.na(df_tmp$w1),"w1"] <- 0
  df_tmp[is.na(df_tmp$w2),"w2"] <- 0
  tot_graph <- igraph::set_edge_attr(tot_graph, "weight",
                                     value = df_tmp$w1 + df_tmp$w2,
                                     index = igraph::E(tot_graph))

  ## and now, calculating the distance matrices
  verts <- as.numeric(igraph::V(tot_graph))
  dist_matrices <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
    new_vert <- sample(verts,size = n, replace = FALSE)
    if (is.null(start_vert)){
      dist_mat <- igraph::distances(tot_graph,v = new_vert, to = new_vert)
      dist_mat <- igraph::distances(tot_graph,v = start_vert, to = new_vert)


#' @title Points on network randomization
#' @description Randomize location of points on a network.
#' @param graph An graph object from igraph
#' @param edge_df A DataFrame describing the edges
#' @param n The number of point
#' @param start_vert The vertices from which the distances will be calculated.
#' if null, then the distances are calculated from the generated locations.
#' @return A numeric matrix with the distances between points
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom igraph E edge_attr
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
randomize_distmatrix <- function(graph, edge_df, n, start_vert = NULL){

  vec_runif <- Vectorize(runif, vectorize.args = c("max"))

  ## prefered case where points are randomly located on edges

  #a. selecting the edges that will have points
  sel_edges_id <- sample(edge_df$edge_id,
                         size = n, replace = TRUE,
                         prob = 1/edge_df$weight * edge_df$probs)

  sel_edges <- edge_df[sel_edges_id,]
  sel_edges_len <- sel_edges$weight

  # preparing some variables for later
  start_oids <- sel_edges$start_oid
  end_oids <- sel_edges$end_oid
  all_names <- names(igraph::V(graph))

  # finding the start nodes and end nodes of the selected edges
  start_names <- all_names[start_oids]
  end_names <- all_names[end_oids]

  #b. calculating the position of the point on the edges
  # each edge will receive one point
  dists <- vec_runif(n=1,min = 0, max = sel_edges_len)
  # creating virtual names for the new vertices
  new_vert <- paste0(rep("virt_"),seq_len(length(dists)))

  #c. creating the new edges and nodes as another graph
  df <- data.frame(start = c(start_names,new_vert),
                   end = c(new_vert,end_names),
                   weight = c(dists,(sel_edges_len - dists)))

  #d. and then merging the graphs
  new_graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = FALSE)
  tot_graph <- igraph::union(graph,new_graph, byname = TRUE)

  # We just need to merge the weights of the graphs
  ws <- igraph::E(tot_graph)
  df_tmp <- data.frame("w1" = ws$weight_1,
                       "w2" = ws$weight_2)

  df_tmp[is.na(df_tmp$w1),"w1"] <- 0
  df_tmp[is.na(df_tmp$w2),"w2"] <- 0
  tot_graph <- igraph::set_edge_attr(tot_graph, "weight",
                                     value = df_tmp$w1 + df_tmp$w2,
                                     index = igraph::E(tot_graph))

  # calculating the distances
  if (is.null(start_vert)){
    dist_mat <- igraph::distances(tot_graph,v = new_vert, to = new_vert)

    dist_mat <- igraph::distances(tot_graph,v = start_vert, to = new_vert)



# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### execution k functions ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' @title Network k and g functions (maturing)
#' @description Calculate the k and g functions for a set of points on a
#'   network (maturing).
#' @details The k-function is a method to characterize the dispersion of a set
#'   of points. For each point, the numbers of other points in subsequent radii
#'   are calculated. This empirical k-function can be more or less clustered
#'   than a k-function obtained if the points were randomly located in space. In
#'   a network, the network distance is used instead of the Euclidean distance.
#'   This function uses Monte Carlo simulations to assess if the points are
#'   clustered or dispersed, and gives the results as a line plot. If the line
#'   of the observed k-function is higher than the shaded area representing the
#'   values of the simulations, then the points are more clustered than what we
#'   can expect from randomness and vice-versa. The function also calculates the
#'   g-function, a modified version of the k-function using rings instead of
#'   disks. The width of the ring must be chosen. The main interest is to avoid
#'   the cumulative effect of the classical k-function. This function is maturing,
#'   it works as expected (unit tests) but will probably be modified in the
#'   future releases (gain speed, advanced features, etc.).
#' @template kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions-arg
#' @param return_sims a boolean indicating if the simulated k and g values must also
#' be returned as matrices
#' @return A list with the following values : 
#' * plotk: A ggplot2 object representing the values of the k-function
#' * plotg: A ggplot2 object representing the values of the g-function
#' * values: A DataFrame with the values used to build the plots
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_ribbon geom_path aes_string labs
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' result <- kfunctions(main_network_mtl, mtl_libraries,
#'      start = 0, end = 2500, step = 10,
#'      width = 200, nsim = 50,
#'      conf_int = 0.05, tol = 0.1, agg = NULL,
#'      verbose = FALSE)
#' }
kfunctions <- function(lines, points,
                       start, end, step, width,
                       nsim, conf_int = 0.05,
                       digits = 2, tol = 0.1,
                       resolution = NULL, agg = NULL,
                       verbose = TRUE, return_sims = FALSE){

  ## step0 : clean the points
  if (verbose){
    print("Preparing data ...")
  n <- nrow(points)
  points$goid <- seq_len(nrow(points))
  points$weight <- rep(1,nrow(points))
  points <- clean_events(points,digits,agg)

  probs <- NULL

  ## step1 : clean the lines
    lines$probs <- 1
    lines$probs <- probs

  lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
  lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
  lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))

  ## step2 : adding the points to the lines
  if (verbose){
    print("Snapping points on lines ...")
  snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(points,lines,idField = "oid")
  new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
                                     snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)

  # new_lines <- add_vertices_lines(lines,snapped_events,
  #                                 snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)

  ## step3 : splitting the lines
  if (verbose){
    print("Building graph ...")
  #new_lines <- simple_lines(new_lines)
  new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
  new_lines <- subset(new_lines,new_lines$length>0)

  new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines,digits)

  new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
  new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
  Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(new_lines)))

  new_lines$weight <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))

  ## step4 : building the graph for the real case
  graph_result <- build_graph(new_lines,digits = digits,
                              line_weight = "weight",
                              attrs = TRUE)
  graph <- graph_result$graph
  nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
  graph_result$spedges$probs <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(graph_result$graph,
                                                           name = "probs")
  snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)

    stop("After snapping the points on the network, some of them share the same location.
         To correct it, please consider setting or increasing the value of the parameter agg.
         They will be merged and their weights added")

  ## step5 : calculating the distance matrix
  dist_mat <- igraph::distances(graph,v = snapped_events$vertex_id,
                                to = snapped_events$vertex_id)
  ## step6 : calcualte the kfunction and the g function
  if (verbose){
    print("Calculating k and g functions ...")
  k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = snapped_events$weight)
  g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = snapped_events$weight)

  ## step7 : generate the permutations
  if (verbose){
    print("Calculating the simulations ...")
  w <- rep(1,times = n)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nsim, style = 3)

  # the case where we can simplified the situation
  if (is.null(resolution)==FALSE){
    dist_matrices <- randomize_distmatrix2(graph = graph_result$graph,
                                           edge_df = graph_result$spedges,
                                           n = n,
                                           resolution = resolution,
                                           nsim = nsim)

    all_values <- lapply(1:nsim,function(i){
      dist_mat <- dist_matrices[[i]]
      k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = w)
      g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = w)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    # the case where we can not simplified the situation
    all_values <- lapply(1:nsim,function(i){
      dist_mat <- randomize_distmatrix(graph_result$graph,graph_result$spedges,n)
      k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = w)
      g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = w)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  ## step8 : extract the k_vals and g_vals matrices
  k_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,1])}))
  g_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,2])}))

  ## step9 : calculating the summary stats
  upper <- 1-conf_int / 2
  lower <- conf_int / 2
  k_stats <- apply(k_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))
  g_stats <- apply(g_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))

  plot_df <- data.frame(
    "obs_k" = k_vals,
    "lower_k" = k_stats[1,],
    "upper_k" = k_stats[2,],
    "obs_g" = g_vals,
    "lower_g" = g_stats[1,],
    "upper_g" = g_stats[2,],
    "distances" = seq(start,end,step)

  plotk <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin="lower_k",ymax = "upper_k"),
                fill = grDevices::rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1), alpha=0.4)+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_k"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical K-function")

  plotg <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin="lower_g", ymax = "upper_g"),
                fill = grDevices::rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_g"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical G-function")

  obj <- list(
    "plotk" = plotk,
    "plotg" = plotg,
    "values" = plot_df
    obj$sim_k_values <- k_mat
    obj$sim_g_values <- g_mat


#' @title Network k and g functions (multicore, maturing)
#' @description Calculate the k and g functions for a set of points on a network
#'   with multicore support. For details, please see the function kfunctions.
#'   (maturing)
#' @details For details, please look at the function kfunctions.
#' @template kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions-arg
#' @param return_sims a boolean indicating if the simulated k and g values must also
#' be returned as matrices
#' @return A list with the following values : 
#' * plotk: A ggplot2 object representing the values of the k-function
#' * plotg: A ggplot2 object representing the values of the g-function
#' * values: A DataFrame with the values used to build the plots
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_ribbon geom_path labs aes_string
#' @importFrom igraph E
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' future::plan(future::multisession(workers=1))
#' result <- kfunctions.mc(main_network_mtl, mtl_libraries,
#'      start = 0, end = 2500, step = 10,
#'      width = 200, nsim = 50,
#'      conf_int = 0.05, tol = 0.1, agg = NULL,
#'      verbose = FALSE)
#' ## make sure any open connections are closed afterward
#' if (!inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) future::plan(future::sequential)
#' }
kfunctions.mc <- function(lines, points, start, end, step, width, nsim, conf_int = 0.05,
                          digits = 2 ,tol = 0.1, resolution = 50, agg = NULL,
                          verbose = TRUE, return_sims = FALSE){

  ## step0 : clean the points
    print("Preparing data ...")
  n <- nrow(points)
  points$goid <- seq_len(nrow(points))
  points$weight <- rep(1,nrow(points))
  points <- clean_events(points,digits,agg)

  probs <- NULL

  ## step1 : clean the lines
    lines$probs <- 1
    lines$probs <- probs
  lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
  lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
  lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))

  ## step2 : adding the points to the lines
    print("Snapping points on lines ...")
  snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(points,lines,idField = "oid")
  new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
                                     snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)
  #new_lines <- add_vertices_lines(lines,snapped_events,snapped_events$nearest_line_id,tol)

  ## step3 : splitting the lines
    print("Building graph ...")
  #new_lines <- simple_lines(new_lines)
  new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
  new_lines <- subset(new_lines,new_lines$length>0)
  new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines,digits)
  new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
  new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
  Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(new_lines)))

  ## step4 : building the graph for the real case
  graph_result <- build_graph(new_lines,digits = digits,line_weight = "length", attrs = TRUE)
  graph_result$spedges$probs <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(graph_result$graph,
                                                           name = "probs")
  graph <- graph_result$graph
  nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
  snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)

    stop("After snapping the points on the network, some of them share the same location.
         To correct it, please consider setting or increasing the value of the parameter agg.
         They will be merged and their weights added")

  ## step5 : calculating the distance matrix
  dist_mat <- igraph::distances(graph,v = snapped_events$vertex_id,
                                to = snapped_events$vertex_id)
  ## step6 : calcualte the kfunction and the g function
    print("Calculating k and g functions ...")
  k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = snapped_events$weight)
  g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = snapped_events$weight)

  ## step7 : generate the permutations
    print("Calculating the simulations ...")

  w <- rep(1,times = n)
  sim_seq <- 1:nsim
  graph <- graph_result$graph
  edgesdf <- st_drop_geometry(graph_result$spedges)

  # the classical way
  if (is.null(resolution)){
        p <- progressr::progressor(along = sim_seq)
        all_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(sim_seq, function(i){
          dist_mat <- randomize_distmatrix(graph, edgesdf, n)
          k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = w)
          g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = w)
        },future.packages = c("igraph"))
      all_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(sim_seq, function(i){
        dist_mat <- randomize_distmatrix(graph, edgesdf, n)
        k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = w)
        g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = w)
      },future.packages = c("igraph"))

    # the simplified way
    ## first : generating the matrices
      print("generating the randomized distance matrices...")
    dist_mats <- randomize_distmatrix2(graph, edgesdf,
                                      n = n, nsim = nsim,
                                      resolution = resolution)
      print("calculating the k and g functions for the randomized matrices..")
    all_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(dist_mats, function(dist_mat){
      k_vals <- kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,n,w = w)
      g_vals <- gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,n,w = w)
    },future.packages = c("igraph"))


  ## step8 : extract the k_vals and g_vals matrices
  k_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,1])}))
  g_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,2])}))

  ## step9 : calculating the summary stats
  lower <- 1-conf_int/2
  upper <- conf_int/2
  k_stats <- apply(k_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))
  g_stats <- apply(g_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))

  plot_df <- data.frame(
    "obs_k" = k_vals,
    "upper_k" = k_stats[1,],
    "lower_k" = k_stats[2,],
    "obs_g" = g_vals,
    "upper_g" = g_stats[1,],
    "lower_g" = g_stats[2,],
    "distances" = seq(start,end,step)

  plotk <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin="lower_k", ymax = "upper_k"),
                fill = grDevices::rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_k"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical K-function")

  plotg <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin="lower_g", ymax = "upper_g"),
                fill = grDevices::rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_g"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical G-function")

  obj <- list(
    "plotk" = plotk,
    "plotg" = plotg,
    "values" = plot_df

    obj$sim_k_values <- k_mat
    obj$sim_g_values <- g_mat


# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### execution cross-k functions ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' @title Network cross k and g functions (maturing)
#' @description Calculate the cross k and g functions for a set of points on a
#'   network. (maturing)
#' @details The cross k-function is a method to characterize the dispersion of a
#'   set of points (A) around a second set of points (B). For each point in B,
#'   the numbers of other points in A in subsequent radii are calculated. This
#'   empirical cross k-function can be more or less clustered than a cross
#'   k-function obtained if the points in A were randomly located around points
#'   in B. In a network, the network distance is used instead of the Euclidean
#'   distance. This function uses Monte Carlo simulations to assess if the
#'   points are clustered or dispersed and gives the results as a line plot. If
#'   the line of the observed cross k-function is higher than the shaded area
#'   representing the values of the simulations, then the points in A are more
#'   clustered around points in B than what we can expect from randomness and
#'   vice-versa. The function also calculates the cross g-function, a modified
#'   version of the cross k-function using rings instead of disks. The width of
#'   the ring must be chosen. The main interest is to avoid the cumulative
#'   effect of the classical k-function. Note that the cross k-function of
#'   points A around B is not necessarily the same as the cross k-function of
#'   points B around A. This function is maturing, it works as expected (unit
#'   tests) but will probably be modified in the future releases (gain speed,
#'   advanced features, etc.).
#' @template kross_kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions-arg
#' @param return_sims a boolean indicating if the simulated k and g values must also
#' be returned as matrices
#' @return A list with the following values : \cr \item{plotk}{ A
#'   ggplot2 object representing the values of the cross k-function}
#'   \item{plotg}{ A ggplot2 object representing the values of the cross
#'   g-function} \item{values}{ A DataFrame with the values used to build the
#'   plots}
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_ribbon geom_path aes_string labs
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' data(mtl_theatres)
#' result <- cross_kfunctions(main_network_mtl, mtl_theatres, mtl_libraries,
#'                            start = 0, end = 2500, step = 10, width = 250,
#'                            nsim = 50, conf_int = 0.05, digits = 2,
#'                            tol = 0.1, agg = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
#' }
cross_kfunctions <- function(lines, pointsA, pointsB,
                             start, end, step, width,
                             nsim, conf_int = 0.05,
                             digits = 2, tol = 0.1,
                             resolution = NULL, agg = NULL,
                             verbose = TRUE, return_sims = FALSE){

  ## step0 : clean the points
    print("Preparing data ...")
  na <- nrow(pointsA)
  nb <- nrow(pointsB)

  probs <- NULL

  pointsA$weight <- rep(1,nrow(pointsA))
  pointsA <- clean_events(pointsA,digits,agg)
  pointsA$goid <- seq_len(nrow(pointsA))

  pointsB$weight <- rep(1,nrow(pointsB))
  pointsB <- clean_events(pointsB,digits,agg)
  pointsB$goid <- seq_len(nrow(pointsB))

  ## step1 : clean the lines
    lines$probs <- 1
    lines$probs <- probs
  lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
  lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
  lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))

  ## step2 : adding the points to the lines
    print("Snapping points on lines ...")
  pointsA$type <- "A"
  pointsB$type <- "B"
  all_events <- rbind(pointsA[c("type","goid","weight")],

  snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(all_events, lines, idField = "oid")
  new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
                                  snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)
  # new_lines <- add_vertices_lines(lines, snapped_events,
  #                                 snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)

  ## step3 : splitting the lines
    print("Building graph ...")
  #new_lines <- simple_lines(new_lines)
  new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
  new_lines <- subset(new_lines, new_lines$length>0)
  new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines, digits)
  new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
  new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
  Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(new_lines)))

  ## step4 : building the graph for the real case
  graph_result <- build_graph(new_lines,digits = digits,
                              line_weight = "length", attrs = TRUE)
  graph_result$spedges$probs <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(graph_result$graph,
                                                           name = "probs")
  graph <- graph_result$graph
  nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
  snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)

    stop("After snapping the points on the network, some of them share the same location.
         To correct it, please consider setting or increasing the value of the parameter agg.
         They will be merged and their weights added")

  snappedA <- subset(snapped_events, snapped_events$type == "A")
  snappedB <- subset(snapped_events, snapped_events$type == "B")

  ## step5 : calculating the distance matrix
  dist_mat <- igraph::distances(graph,v = snappedB$vertex_id,
                                to = snappedA$vertex_id, mode = "out")
  ## step6 : calcualte the kfunction and the g function
    print("Calculating k and g functions ...")
  k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,na,nb,snappedA$weight,snappedB$weight)
  g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,na,nb,snappedA$weight,snappedB$weight)

  ## step7 : generate the permutations
    print("Calculating the simulations ...")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nsim, style = 3)
  w <- rep(1,times = na)

  # the case where we can simplified the situation
  if (is.null(resolution)==FALSE){
    dist_matrices <- randomize_distmatrix2(graph = graph_result$graph,
                                           edge_df = graph_result$spedges,
                                           n = na,
                                           start_vert = snappedB$vertex_id,
                                           resolution = resolution,
                                           nsim = nsim)

    all_values <- lapply(1:nsim,function(i){
      dist_mat <- dist_matrices[[i]]
      k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,na,nb,w,snappedB$weight)
      g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,na,nb,w,snappedB$weight)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    # the case where we can not simplified the situation
    all_values <- lapply(1:nsim,function(i){
      dist_mat <- randomize_distmatrix(graph_result$graph,graph_result$spedges,
                                       na,start_vert = snappedB$vertex_id)
      k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,Lt,na,nb,w,snappedB$weight)
      g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat,start,end,step,width,Lt,na,nb,w,snappedB$weight)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  ## step8 : extract the k_vals and g_vals matrices
  k_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,1])}))
  g_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,2])}))

  ## step9 : calculating the summary stats
  upper <- 1-conf_int / 2
  lower <- conf_int / 2
  k_stats <- apply(k_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))
  g_stats <- apply(g_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))

  plot_df <- data.frame(
    "obs_k" = k_vals,
    "lower_k" = k_stats[1,],
    "upper_k" = k_stats[2,],
    "obs_g" = g_vals,
    "lower_g" = g_stats[1,],
    "upper_g" = g_stats[2,],
    "distances" = seq(start,end,step)

  plotk <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin = "lower_k", ymax = "upper_k"),
                fill = rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_k"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical cross-K-function")

  plotg <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin = "lower_g", ymax = "upper_g"),
                fill = rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_g"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical cross-G-function")

  obj <- list(
    "plotk" = plotk,
    "plotg" = plotg,
    "values" = plot_df
    obj$sim_k_values <- k_mat
    obj$sim_g_values <- g_mat

#' @title Network cross k and g functions (multicore, maturing)
#' @description Calculate the cross k and g functions for a set of points on a
#'   network with multicore support. (maturing)
#' @template kross_kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions-arg
#' @param return_sims a boolean indicating if the simulated k and g values must also
#' be returned as matrices
#' @return A list with the following values : \cr \item{plotk}{ A
#'   ggplot2 object representing the values of the cross k-function}
#'   \item{plotg}{ A ggplot2 object representing the values of the cross
#'   g-function} \item{values}{ A DataFrame with the values used to build the
#'   plots}
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_ribbon geom_path aes_string labs
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' data(mtl_theatres)
#' future::plan(future::multisession(workers=1))
#' result <- cross_kfunctions.mc(main_network_mtl, mtl_libraries, mtl_theatres,
#'                            start = 0, end = 2500, step = 10, width = 250,
#'                            nsim = 50, conf_int = 0.05, digits = 2,
#'                            tol = 0.1, agg = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' ## make sure any open connections are closed afterward
#' if (!inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) future::plan(future::sequential)
#' }
cross_kfunctions.mc <- function(lines, pointsA, pointsB,
                                start, end, step, width,
                                nsim, conf_int = 0.05,
                                digits = 2, tol = 0.1,
                                resolution = NULL, agg = NULL,
                                verbose = TRUE, return_sims = FALSE){

  ## step0 : clean the points
    print("Preparing data ...")
  na <- nrow(pointsA)
  nb <- nrow(pointsB)

  probs <- NULL

  pointsA$weight <- rep(1,nrow(pointsA))
  pointsA <- clean_events(pointsA,digits,agg)
  pointsA$goid <- seq_len(nrow(pointsA))

  pointsB$weight <- rep(1,nrow(pointsB))
  pointsB <- clean_events(pointsB,digits,agg)
  pointsB$goid <- seq_len(nrow(pointsB))

  ## step1 : clean the lines
    lines$probs <- 1
    lines$probs <- probs
  lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
  lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
  lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))

  ## step2 : adding the points to the lines
    print("Snapping points on lines ...")
  pointsA$type <- "A"
  pointsB$type <- "B"
  all_events <- rbind(pointsA[c("type","goid","weight")],

  snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(all_events, lines, idField = "oid")
  new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
                                  snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)
  # new_lines <- add_vertices_lines(lines, snapped_events,
  #                                 snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)

  ## step3 : splitting the lines
    print("Building graph ...")
  #new_lines <- simple_lines(new_lines)
  new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
  new_lines <- subset(new_lines,new_lines$length>0)
  new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines,digits)
  new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
  new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
  Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(new_lines)))

  ## step4 : building the graph for the real case
  graph_result <- build_graph(new_lines,digits = digits,
                              line_weight = "length", attrs = TRUE)
  graph_result$spedges$probs <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(graph_result$graph,
                                                           name = "probs")
  graph <- graph_result$graph
  nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
  snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)

    stop("After snapping the points on the network, some of them share the same location.
         To correct it, please consider setting or increasing the value of the parameter agg.
         They will be merged and their weights added")

  snappedA <- subset(snapped_events, snapped_events$type == "A")
  snappedB <- subset(snapped_events, snapped_events$type == "B")

  ## step5 : calculating the distance matrix
  dist_mat <- igraph::distances(graph,v = snappedB$vertex_id,
                                to = snappedA$vertex_id)
  ## step6 : calcualte the kfunction and the g function
    print("Calculating k and g functions ...")
  k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, Lt, na, nb,
                        snappedA$weight, snappedB$weight)
  g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, width, Lt, na,
                       nb, snappedA$weight, snappedB$weight)

  ## step7 : generate the permutations
    print("Calculating the simulations ...")
  w <- rep(1,times = na)
  sim_seq <- 1:nsim

  # classical approach
  if (is.null(resolution)){
      p <- progressr::progressor(along = sim_seq)
      all_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(sim_seq,function(i){
        dist_mat <- randomize_distmatrix(graph_result$graph,
                                         na, start_vert = snappedB$vertex_id)
        k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, Lt, na, nb,
                              w, snappedB$weight)
        g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, width, Lt, na, nb,
      },future.packages = c("igraph","base"))
    #simplified approach
      print("calculating the randomized distance matrices...")
    dist_matrices <- randomize_distmatrix2(graph = graph_result$graph,
                                           edge_df = graph_result$spedges,
                                           n = na,
                                           start_vert = snappedB$vertex_id,
                                           resolution = resolution,
                                           nsim = nsim)
      print("calculating the k and g functions for the randomized matrices..")
    all_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(dist_matrices,function(dist_mat){
        k_vals <- cross_kfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, Lt, na, nb,
                              w, snappedB$weight)
        g_vals <- cross_gfunc_cpp(dist_mat, start, end, step, width, Lt, na, nb,
      },future.packages = c("igraph","base"))

  ## step8 : extract the k_vals and g_vals matrices
  k_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,1])}))
  g_mat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(all_values,function(i){return(i[,2])}))

  ## step9 : calculating the summary stats
  upper <- 1-conf_int / 2
  lower <- conf_int / 2
  k_stats <- apply(k_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))
  g_stats <- apply(g_mat,MARGIN = 1, function(i){
    return(quantile(i,probs = c(lower,upper)))

  plot_df <- data.frame(
    "obs_k" = k_vals,
    "lower_k" = k_stats[1,],
    "upper_k" = k_stats[2,],
    "obs_g" = g_vals,
    "lower_g" = g_stats[1,],
    "upper_g" = g_stats[2,],
    "distances" = seq(start,end,step)

  plotk <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin = "lower_k", ymax = "upper_k"),
                fill = rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_k"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_k"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical cross-K-function")

  plotg <- ggplot(plot_df)+
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = "distances", ymin = "lower_g", ymax = "upper_g"),
                fill = rgb(0.1,0.1,0.1),alpha=0.4, )+
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "lower_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "upper_g"), col="black",
    geom_path(aes_string(x = "distances", y = "obs_g"), col="blue")+
    labs(x = "distances",
         y = "empirical cross-G-function")

  obj <- list(
    "plotk" = plotk,
    "plotg" = plotg,
    "values" = plot_df
    obj$sim_k_values <- k_mat
    obj$sim_g_values <- g_mat
JeremyGelb/spNetwork documentation built on May 24, 2024, 7:23 p.m.