
License R build


The goal of somar (built on top of packages such as igraph, plyr, stringr) is to offer specific data visualisation tools in the field of neurology and more precisely (for the moment) concerning the motor functions of the brain. The initiative was launched by one of the members, Gérard Derosière, of the CoActionsLab research laboratory located in Brussels. The main idea behind the construction of this package is to give anyone who so desires the opportunity to come and enrich this library so that anyone doing research in the field of neurology has the appropriate tools to express their innovative ideas. So don’t hesitate to make a pull request.


You can install the released and development version from GitHub with:

devtools::install_github("JeremyGillard/somar", build_vignettes = TRUE)

R version: 3.6.3

Getting Started

It is possible to use this package in two different ways:

The first way is to use functions that automate a large part of the work. Their operation is based on a structure and a precise naming convention for the columns of the dataframe entered.

vignette("guide", package = "somar")

The second way is to use each of the functions available in the dataframe separately, in order to use them in a more personalised way.

vignette("detailedguide", package = "somar")


Pending a more practical integration solution, here is the legend corresponding to the results obtained using the automatic graphing tool.


somar is GPL-3 licensed

JeremyGillard/somar documentation built on March 19, 2021, 10:50 a.m.