Man pages for JeroenSmaers/evomap

getEdgesList all edges descendant from a node
getNodesList all nodes descendant from a node
getTipsList all tips descendant from a node
gls.ancovapGLS model comparison using phylogenetic analysis of...
gls.ciGLS confidence intervals
gls.piGLS prediction intervals
mvBMMultiple variance Brownian motion estimation
mvBM.getRateLineage-specific rate estimation using multiple variance...
mvBM.plotRateLineage-specific rate estimation using multiple variance...
pGLS.plotGradepGLS plot of a particular grade
primateDataIsler et al. (2008) dataset of primate brain and body mass.
primateTreeMolecular consensus phylogeny of primate species from the 10k...
pruneSamplePruning data and a tree to a particular subset
JeroenSmaers/evomap documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:35 a.m.