The earthEngineGrabR Workflow

Search for data

Use Earth Engine's Data Catalog to browse and find datasets you want to grab using the earthEngineGrabR. Once you have found a dataset, use the snippet section to obtain the dataset ID and whether the dataset is an image or a collection of images. The snippet section consists of one line of code (don't open the link) and shows how Earth Engine loads the dataset. If it is an image, the ee.Image(dataset-ID) constructor is used. if it is a collection the ee.ImageCollection(dataset-id) constructor is used instead.

Grab data

ee_grab() requests and imports data from Earth Engine to R. ee_grab() takes two arguments, data and targetArea. data takes a single or a list of ee_data_image() and ee_data_collection() functions, which define the requested data to ee_grab(). If the requested data is an image use ee_data_image(), if it's a collection use ee_data_collection(). targetArea takes a path to a local geo-file, which defines the spatial target in which the data sould be aggregated.

JesJehle/earthEngineGrabR documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 6:09 p.m.