
My personal R package

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Because I want to share pieces of code that are helpful to me.

Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filter (Iterative moving average) : kz.R

I like this filter quite a lot and used it in my recent paper to smooth eigenvectors from several genomic matrices. It's simple (k iterations of a simple moving average), fast and the degree of smoothness can be tuned easily. The two main parameters are:

In order to pick a reasonable number of iterations, I implemented an intuitive optimality criterion. Basically, I want the iterative process to stop at k iterations when the difference between the (k+1)-th and the k-th smoothed vectors is less than a specified threshold. I quantify difference as the sums of squares of the difference vector, i.e. SS(x_(k+1)-x_k), divided by the sum of squares of the k-th vector, that is SS(x_k). If the difference is less than the parameter tolerance, set by default to 0.05, then the iterative process stops. Below is an example of a vector before and after smoothing with an optimal number of iterations k=2.

mybarplot(kz(x, w=3, optimal=TRUE))

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Jfortin1/Jipito documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:36 a.m.