
#' Repeat elements coordinates found in the human genome (hg38/GRCh38)
#' Repeat elements coordinates for hg38 obtained from the RepeatMasker track
#' found at the UCSC genome browser. 
#' @format GRanges

#' Repeat elements coordinates found in the mouse genome (mm10/GRCm38)
#' Repeat elements coordinates for mm10 obtained from the RepeatMasker track
#' found at the UCSC genome browser. 
#' @format GRanges

#' GRangesList representing Ensembl gene model coordinates for human
#' GRangesList representing Ensembl gene model coordinates for human in 
#' hg38/GRCh38 coordinates (Ensembl release 104)
#' @format GRangesList

#' GRangesList representing Ensembl gene model coordinates for mouse
#' GRangesList representing Ensembl gene model coordinates for mouse in 
#' mm10/GRCm38 coordinates (Ensembl release 102)
#' @format GRangesList

#' GRangesList representing Ensembl gene model coordinates for human
#' GRanges representing Ensembl-based TSS coordinates for human in 
#' hg38/GRCh38 coordinates (Ensembl release 104)
#' @format GRanges

#' GRanges representing Ensembl-based TSS coordinates for mouse
#' GRanges representing Ensembl-based TSS coordinates for mouse in mm10/GRCm38
#' coordinates (Ensembl release 102)
#' @format GRanges

#' Genomic coordinates of FANTOM5 CAGE Peaks in hg38 coordinates
#' Genomic coordinates of FANTOM5 CAGE Peaks in hg38 coordinates.
#' @format GRanges

#' Genomic coordinates of FANTOM5 CAGE Peaks in mm10 coordinates
#' Genomic coordinates of FANTOM5 CAGE Peaks in mm10 coordinates.
#' @format GRanges

#' DNAStringSet of mRNA sequences of human transcripts (Ensembl)
#' DNAStringSet of mRNA sequences of human transcripts
#' (Ensembl release 104) extracted from the txdb_human object.
#' @format DNAStringSet

#' DNAStringSet of mRNA sequences of mouse transcripts (Ensembl)
#' DNAStringSet of mRNA sequences of mouse transcripts
#' (Ensembl release 102) extracted from the txdb_human object.
#' @format DNAStringSet

#' APPRIS annotation for human genes (Ensembl release 104)
#' data.frame containing APPRIS annotation for human genes
#' using the APPRIS release 47 and the Ensembl release 104
#' gene annotation.
#' @format data.frame

#' APPRIS annotation for mouse genes (Ensembl release 102)
#' data.frame containing APPRIS annotation for mouse genes
#' using the APPRIS release 47 and the Ensembl release 102
#' gene annotation.
#' @format data.frame
Jfortin1/crisprDesignData documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 4:44 p.m.