Man pages for Jiefei-Wang/GCSConnection
Creating R Connection with Google Cloud Storage

as.character-FileClass-methodConvert a FileClass object to a google URI
as.character-FolderClass-methodConvert A FolderClass object to a dummy google URI
authenticationGoogle credentials
buffer_sizeGet/Set read/write connection buffer size
FileClass-classFile class
FolderClass-classFolder class
gcs_connectionConnection to google cloud storage
gcs_cpcopy files to and from buckets
gcs_dirList bucket/folder/object
gcs_rmDelete a file or a directory
names-FileClass-methodThe Names of an Object
names-FolderClass-methodThe Names of an Object
requester_paysRequester Pays
show-FileClass-methodPrint object of class 'FileClass'
show-FolderClass-methodPrint object of class 'FolderClass'
subset-FileClass-methodGet an element from 'FileClass' object
subset-FolderClass-methodGet an element from 'FolderClass' object
Jiefei-Wang/GCSConnection documentation built on Sept. 12, 2020, 7:22 a.m.