R-Package SeriousInjury: Classify Whale Injuries as Serious or Non-Serious with Classification Trees.

SeriousInjury uses Random Forest classification trees to assess injury severity of large whale entanglements and vessel strikes. Models are built using the R-Package rfPermute, which employs the R-package randomForest. Installing SeriousInjury will also install the rfPermute and randomForest packages. Methods are based on the publication:

Carretta, J.V. and A. Henry 2022. Risk Assessment of Whale Entanglement and Vessel Strike Injuries from Case Narratives and Classification Trees. Frontiers In Marine Science, although SeriousInjury includes data for several more species not included in the publication.

Version 1.4 includes a Shiny app to allow assessment of single injury narratives. ʻMonofilament_Hook_Lineʻ, ʻVessSpdʻ, ʻVessSzʻ functions are updated as separate functions nested within the larger function ʻInjuryCovariatesʻ

To install the latest SeriousInjury version from GitHub:

# make sure you have devtools installed
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

# install from GitHub


# see SeriousInjuryTutorial() for a guide to the package

JimCarretta/SeriousInjury documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 4:58 p.m.