Man pages for JimGrange/flankr
Implements computational models of attentional selectivity

cafFind conditional accuracy function (CAF) values for a single...
cdfFind cumulative distribution function (CDF) values for a...
exampleDataExample response time data set for multiple subjects.
fitDSTPFit the DSTP model to human data
fitDSTP_fixedFit the DSTP model to human data with some fixed parameters
fitMultipleDSTPFit the DSTP model to human data with mutiple starting...
fitMultipleDSTP_fixedFit the DSTP model to human data with mutiple starting...
fitMultipleSSPFit the SSP model to human data with multiple starting...
fitMultipleSSP_fixedFit the SSP model to human data with mutiple starting...
fitSSPFit the SSP model to human data
fitSSP_fixedFit the SSP model to human data with some fixed parameters
plotFitDSTPPlot the fit of the DSTP model to human data.
plotFitSSPPlot the fit of the SSP model to human data.
simulateDSTPObtain simulated response times and accuracy from the DSTP...
simulateSSPObtain simulated response times and accuracy from the SSP...
JimGrange/flankr documentation built on Dec. 10, 2023, 12:17 a.m.