Man pages for JimMcL/trajr
Animal Trajectory Analysis

lines.TrajectoryAdd Trajectory lines to a plot
plot.TrajDirectionAutocorrelationsPlot method for direction autocorrelation
plot.TrajectoryPlot method for trajectories
plot.TrajSpeedIntervalsPlot method for trajectory speed intervals
points.TrajectoryAdd Trajectory points to a plot
Traj3DAccelerationApproximates the acceleration of a 3-dimensional trajectory
Traj3DDistance3D Trajectory distance
Traj3DFromCoordsCreate a 3D Trajectory Object
Traj3DLength3D trajectory length
Traj3DRediscretizeResample a 3D trajectory to a constant step length
Traj3DResampleTimeResample a 3D trajectory to a constant time interval
Traj3DSmoothSGSmooth a 3D trajectory using a Savitzky-Golay filter
Traj3DSpeedSpeed along a 3-dimensional trajectory
Traj3DStepLengths3D trajectory step lengths
Traj3DStraightnessStraightness of a 3D Trajectory
Traj3DVelocityVelocity of a trajectory
TrajAccelerationApproximates the acceleration of a trajectory
TrajAnglesTurning angles of a Trajectory
TrajConvertTimeConverts a delimited time string to a numeric value
TrajDAMinMaxFirst direction autocorrelation minimum/maximum
TrajDerivativesCalculates trajectory speed and change of speed
TrajDirectionalChangeDirectional change (DC)
TrajDirectionAutocorrelationsDirection autocorrelation
TrajDistanceTrajectory distance
TrajDurationTrajectory duration
TrajEmaxTrajectory straightness index, E-max
TrajExpectedSquareDisplacementTrajectory expected square displacement
TrajFractalDimensionFractal dimension of a trajectory
TrajFractalDimensionValuesFractal dimension calculation
TrajFromCoordsCreate a Trajectory Object
TrajFromTrjPointsCreate a trajectory from a subset of another
TrajGenerateGenerate a random trajectory
TrajGetFPSTrajectory frames-per-second
TrajGetNCoordsTrajectory number of coordinates
TrajGetTimeUnitsTrajectory temporal units
TrajGetUnitsTrajectory spatial units
TrajInPolygonTest whether each of the points in a trajectory lie inside a...
TrajLengthTrajectory length
TrajLogSequenceLogarithmically spaced sequence
TrajMeanVectorOfTurningAnglesMean vector of turning angles
TrajMeanVelocityTrajectory mean velocity
TrajMergeCombine multiple trajectories into a single whole trajectory
TrajRediscretizeResample a trajectory to a constant step length
TrajResampleTimeResample a trajectory to a constant time interval.
TrajReverseReverse a trajectory
TrajRotateRotate a trajectory
trajr-packagetrajr: Animal Trajectory Analysis
TrajsBuildConstruct multiple trajectories
TrajScaleScale a trajectory
TrajSinuositySinuosity of a trajectory
TrajSinuosity2Sinuosity of a trajectory
TrajsMergeStatsMerge trajectory characteristics
TrajSmoothSGSmooth a trajectory using a Savitzky-Golay filter
TrajSpeedIntervalsCalculate speed time intervals
TrajSplitSplit a trajectory into multiple sections
TrajSplitAtFirstCrossingSplit a trajectory into two parts, separated at the first...
TrajsStatsReplaceNAsReplace NAs in a data frame
TrajsStepLengthsStep lengths of multiple trajectories
TrajStepLengthsTrajectory step lengths
TrajStraightnessStraightness of a Trajectory
TrajTranslateTranslate a trajectory
TrajVelocityVelocity of a trajectory
JimMcL/trajr documentation built on July 23, 2024, 2:06 a.m.