Man pages for JimSkinner/gpclassifier
Implements a Gaussian Process binary Classifier

covarFunConstrutor method of CovarFun class
CovarFun-classClass CovarFun.
covarFun.LatentPlusNoiseAugment 'CovarFun' with latent function and noise...
covarFun.SESquared Exponential covariance function.
EPCalculate site parameters, likelihood and likelihood gradient...
getCovarFunGPC Return the covariance function (class 'CovarFun') used.
getDLmlReturn partial derivatives of the log marginal likelihood...
getHPReturn the list of hyperparameters.
getKGPC Return the covariance matrix; the matrix of inner...
getKernelReturn kernel function k:x,y -> numeric(). Differs from the...
getKernelGradReturn kernel gradient function k:x,y -> list(). As with...
getLmlReturn log marginal likelihood.
hpTuneReturn maximum likelihood covariance function hyperparameters
predict-GPC-methodPredict labels from unlabelled data.
setHP-setChange the 'CovarFun' hyperparameter list to the list...
update-setUpdate 'X', 'Y' or 'covarFun'
JimSkinner/gpclassifier documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:52 a.m.