
devR is an R package which provides an R6class Workspace.R with methods to easy create and update an R package.

Therefore implements functions for working with archives: files, folders, git, Rd2pdf and bash.


Install package from this repository


install.packages('devtools') library('devtools') devtools::install_github('JoanViana/devR')


or download and install from source:


install.packages(path_to_file, repos = NULL, type="source")

`` Wherepath_to_filecould be: * On Windows it will look something like this:C:\Users\user\Downloads\devR_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz. * On UNIX it will look like this:/home/user/download/devR_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz`.

Windows users: Activate Windows PowerShell and GIT running:

REM.-- Unblock PowerShell Security defaults: run signed scripts
Powershell -command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force

REM.-- Install PSget:
Powershell -command "(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(\"\") | iex"

REM.-- Install poshgit:
Powershell -command Install-Module posh-git

REM.-- Add PATH to System
SETX /M path "%path%;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\"



Check the Controller Demo and the Documentation

Workflow example: Create a hosted git repository and an R project (myProject.Rproj) in your workspace from RStudio and type from your Controller script:

# Load devR package

# Create an instance of R6Class in root directory
w = Workspace$new(getwd())

# Name new library 
lib = 'myLibrary'

# Create new library in root directory and git init, config user and add remote
w$libraryCreate(Xlibrary = lib, Xname = 'Your Name and Surname', Xemail = 'your email', Xhttps = 'https of git repository')

# Now it is time to develop the package ...

  # Example: copy files from workspace to the new library directory
  w$fileCopy(c('LICENSE', ''), file.path(lib))
  w$fileCopy(c('Workspace.R'), file.path(lib, 'R'))
  w$fileCopy(c('devControlleR.R'), file.path(lib, 'demo'))
  w$setDescription(lib, Xtext = "License: MIT + file LICENSE", Xlines = 7)  

# Create documentation, manual pdf, build, install and git add, commit & push
w$libraryUpdate(Xlibrary = lib, Xmessage = 'commit message', Xuser = 'git user', Xpassword = 'git password', Xrepository = 'repository name', Xbranch = 'master', Xhost = 'git host')

# Example creating a new branch, checkout & push 
w$libraryUpdate(Xlibrary = lib, Xmessage = 'version', Xuser = 'JoanViana', Xpassword = 'my_password', Xrepository = 'devR', Xbranch = 'new_branch', Xhost = '')


  1. DESCRIPTION (Depends line) edition in Workspace$libraryCreate(). Debug and test.
  2. Choose if add or edit in git config --global "..."

Next Tasks (Features & Documentation)

  1. Lapply push
  2. Clean Code (comments)
  3. Add an example with devtools::install_github(). Take into account public and private repositories.
  4. Add dataset to package. Three options
  5. New workflow for contributing
  6. Roxygen2 Documentation of /R/Workspace.R and compile it by Workspace$libraryUpdate() && modify paths of
  7. Rpubs, pdf = vignettes, git webpage (index.html), ... of script I want.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Joan Dídac Viana Fons -


MIT - Please, read LICENSE

JoanViana/devR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:15 a.m.