norm_logmeans: Log-means normalization

View source: R/normalizations.R

norm_logmeansR Documentation

Log-means normalization


Normalize vowel formant measurements a log-means normalization procedure as described in Barreda & Nearey (2018). This function is intended to be used within a tidyverse pipeline.


  .return = "data",
  i_know_more_than_you = FALSE



The data frame containing the formant measurements you want to normalize. Formant data must be log transformed! See example code below.


The (unquoted) name(s) of the column containing the formant measurements.


The (unquoted) name of the column containing the unique identifiers per speaker.


The (unquoted) name of the column containing the unique identifiers per vowel


A string. By default, "data", which will returned the your original data with the normalized data appended. If you set this to "params", you'll get a data frame with the normalization paramters for each speakers.


Logical. The function won't work if you've got data that doesn't look like log10-transformed formant data. If you want to force the function to run anyway, set this to 'TRUE'.


The data should not be grouped beforehand (e.g. with group_by). The data must be numeric, and there cannot be any NAs.


The original dataframe with new columns containing the normalized measurements. These new columns have "_norm" appended to the column names.


Thanks to Santiago Barreda for providing most of the code for this function.


Barreda, Santiago, and Terrance M. Nearey. 2018. "A Regression Approach to Vowel Normalization for Missing and Unbalanced Data." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144(1): 500–520.


idaho <- joeysvowels::idahoans

# Basic usage. Note that the data has to be log10-transformed.
idaho %>%
    mutate(F1_log = log10(F1), F2_log = log10(F2)) %>%
    norm_logmeans(.formant_cols = c(F1_log, F2_log),
                  .speaker_col = speaker,
                  .vowel_col = vowel) %>%

# Return the speaker paramters instead.
idaho %>%
    mutate(F1_log = log10(F1), F2_log = log10(F2)) %>%
    norm_logmeans(.formant_cols = c(F1_log, F2_log),
                  .speaker_col = speaker,
                  .vowel_col = vowel,
                  .return = "params") %>%

# If you forget to log-transform the data, it'll throw an error.
idaho %>%
    norm_logmeans(.formant_cols = c(F1, F2),
                  .speaker_col = speaker,
                  .vowel_col = vowel)

# But you can force the function to run on non-transformed data if you're sure you know what you're doing.
idaho %>%
    norm_logmeans(.formant_cols = c(F1, F2),
                  .speaker_col = speaker,
                  .vowel_col = vowel,
                  i_know_more_than_you = TRUE) %>%

JoeyStanley/joeyr documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 9:05 a.m.