
R Code for analysis of PBR Tier System simulations.

Typical source() order for running scripts would be:

  1. PBR_FileIO.R
  2. The write_inits() function is relied on heavily for batching runs of simulations.

  3. PBR_create_input_files.R

  4. Requires the boiler plate input.par file located here
  5. See the Notes in the header comments for the naming convention of input files for each trial.
  6. Please note the comment regarding directory structure next to the initialization of the code_dir variable. This could be improved, but for now, it will require modification by the user to match where the code resides in their personal directories.

  7. PBR_batch.R

  8. Contains functions for running batches of simulations given lists of input file names.
  9. Note: These functions were developed to run under Mac OS X, and the system() calls would likely need to be modified under a different OS.
  10. Future versions of these functions could be made more cross-platform friendly by making the system() calls conditional on the value returned from, for example .Platform$OS.type

  11. PBR_fortran_output.R

  12. Contains functions for compiling depletion statistics and plotting.

  13. PBR_Fortran_controller.R

  14. Runs scripts above, compiles depletion statistics and creates some plots.

John-Brandon/pbrr documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:16 a.m.