
Interactive mapping in R

Install or upgrade with:

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')  # Get devtools if you don't already have it.

remotes::install_github("John-R-Wallace-NOAA/Imap", force = TRUE)

# # Some R installations may require: download.file.method = "auto" in options():
# oldOpts <- options(download.file.method = "auto")  
# remotes::install_github("John-R-Wallace-NOAA/Imap", force = TRUE)
# options(oldOpts)
- After upgrading this package, restarting R may be needed before the help pages will work (the Imap.rdb is not corrupt).

John-R-Wallace/Imap documentation built on April 1, 2024, 6:27 a.m.