
Supported syntaxes

⚠️ This is a basic implementation of support reference. Further improvements are pending. See comments on each section for details.

⚠️ This page is auto-generated. Please, don't update any content between special comments.


At-rules with a custom parsing rules. In fact, any at-rule is supported but prelude and block are parsing with default rules. Validation support isn't supported for at-rules at the moment.

Functional pseudos

Functional pseudos with a custom parsing rule. Non-listed functional pseudos don't parse a content inside parentheses and represent it as a Raw node if any. There is no difference between pseudo class and pseudo element on parsing, like no validation for functional pseudos is supported at the moment.


Support for a property means CSSTree has a grammar for such property, so its value can be checked (validated) for complience to spec or browser inplementations (for non-standart properties). The validation doesn't perform on parsing stage and should be done as a separate step using Lexer API. In other words any property value can be parsed with default parsing rules, but validation is possible for listed properties only.

JohnCoene/chirp documentation built on May 25, 2021, 6:33 p.m.