
get-stream Build Status

Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array


$ npm install get-stream


const fs = require('fs');
const getStream = require('get-stream');

(async () => {
    const stream = fs.createReadStream('unicorn.txt');

    console.log(await getStream(stream));
    \|/       -\(((((''''((((((((.
    -*-==//////((''  .     `)))))),
    /|\      ))| o    ;-.    '(((((                                  ,(,
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                |   |   |   ,))((((_     _____------~~~-.        %,;(;(>';'~
                o_);   ;    )))(((` ~---~  `::           \      %%~~)(v;(`('~
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            / //  _;______;'------~~~~~    /;;/\    /
           //  | |                        / ;   \;;,\
          (<_  | ;                      /',/-----'  _>
           \_| ||_                     //~;~~~~~~~~~
               `\_|                   (,~~


The methods returns a promise that resolves when the end event fires on the stream, indicating that there is no more data to be read. The stream is switched to flowing mode.

getStream(stream, [options])

Get the stream as a string.


Type: Object


Type: string Default: utf8

Encoding of the incoming stream.


Type: number Default: Infinity

Maximum length of the returned string. If it exceeds this value before the stream ends, the promise will be rejected with a getStream.MaxBufferError error.

getStream.buffer(stream, [options])

Get the stream as a buffer.

It honors the maxBuffer option as above, but it refers to byte length rather than string length.

getStream.array(stream, [options])

Get the stream as an array of values.

It honors both the maxBuffer and encoding options. The behavior changes slightly based on the encoding chosen:


If the input stream emits an error event, the promise will be rejected with the error. The buffered data will be attached to the bufferedData property of the error.

(async () => {
    try {
        await getStream(streamThatErrorsAtTheEnd('unicorn'));
    } catch (error) {
        //=> 'unicorn'


How is this different from concat-stream?

This module accepts a stream instead of being one and returns a promise instead of using a callback. The API is simpler and it only supports returning a string, buffer, or array. It doesn't have a fragile type inference. You explicitly choose what you want. And it doesn't depend on the huge readable-stream package.



MIT © Sindre Sorhus

JohnCoene/chirp documentation built on May 25, 2021, 6:33 p.m.