
Release Notes



v2.0.0 - September 1st, 2014


v2.0.0-beta.1 - August 26th, 2014

Compatibility notes: - The default build now outputs a generic UMD wrapper. This should be transparent change but may cause issues in some environments. - Runtime compatibility breaks in both directions. Ensure that both compiler and client are upgraded to 2.0.0-beta.1 or higher at the same time. - programWithDepth has been removed an instead an array of context values is passed to fields needing depth lookups. - false values are now printed to output rather than silently dropped - Lines containing only block statements and whitespace are now removed. This matches the Mustache spec but may cause issues with code that expects whitespace to exist but would not otherwise. - Partials that are standalone will now indent their rendered content - AST.ProgramNode's signature has changed. - Numerious methods/features removed from psuedo-API classes - JavaScriptCompiler.register - JavaScriptCompiler.replaceStack no longer supports non-inline replace - Compiler.disassemble - DECLARE opcode - strip opcode - lookup opcode - Content nodes may have their string values mutated over time. original field provides the unmodified value. - Removed unused Handlebars.registerHelper inverse parameter - each helper requires iterator parameter


v2.0.0-alpha.4 - May 19th, 2014


v2.0.0-alpha.3 - May 19th, 2014


v2.0.0-alpha.2 - March 6th, 2014

Compatibility notes: - A JSON polyfill is required to run the compiler under IE8 and below. It's recommended that the precompiler be used in lieu of running the compiler on these legacy environments.


v2.0.0-alpha.1 - February 10th, 2014

Compatibility notes: - helperMissing helper no longer has the indexed name argument. Helper name is now available via - Precompiler output has changed, which breaks compatibility with prior versions of the runtime and precompiled output. - JavaScriptCompiler.compilerInfo now returns generic objects rather than javascript source. - AST changes - INTEGER -> NUMBER - Additional PartialNode hash parameter - New RawBlockNode type - Data frames now have a _parent field. This is internal but is enumerable for performance/compatability reasons.


v1.3.0 - January 1st, 2014


v1.2.1 - December 26th, 2013


v1.2.0 - December 23rd, 2013

Compatibility notes: - @index and @first are now supported for each iteration on objects - Handlebars.VM.checkRevision and Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compilerInfo now available to modify the version checking behavior. - Browserify users may link to the runtime library via require('handlebars/runtime')


v1.1.2 - November 5th, 2013


v1.1.1 - November 4th, 2013


v1.1.0 - November 3rd, 2013

Compatibility notes: - The project now includes separate artifacts for AMD, CommonJS, and global objects. - AMD: Users may load the bundled handlebars.amd.js or handlebars.runtime.amd.js files or load individual modules directly. AMD users should also note that the handlebars object is exposed via the default field on the imported object. This gist provides some discussion of possible compatibility shims. - CommonJS/Node: Node loading occurs as normal via require - Globals: The handlebars.js and handlebars.runtime.js files should behave in the same manner as the v1.0.12 / 1.0.0 release. - Build artifacts have been removed from the repository. npm, components/handlebars.js, cdnjs, or the builds page should now be used as the source of built artifacts. - Context-stored helpers are now always passed the options hash. Previously no-argument helpers did not have this argument.


v1.0.12 / 1.0.0 - May 31 2013

Compatibility notes: - The parser is now stricter on {{{, requiring that the end token be }}}. Templates that do not follow this convention should add the additional brace value. - Code that relies on global the namespace being muted when custom helpers or partials are passed will need to explicitly pass an undefined value for any helpers that should not be available. - The compiler version has changed. Precompiled templates with 1.0.12 or higher must use the 1.0.0 or higher runtime.


v1.0.11 / 1.0.0-rc4 - May 13 2013


v1.0.10 - Node - Feb 27 2013


v1.0.9 - Node - Feb 15 2013


1.0.0-rc3 - Browser - Feb 14 2013


Prior Versions

When upgrading from the Handlebars 0.9 series, be aware that the signature for passing custom helpers or partials to templates has changed.

Instead of:

template(context, helpers, partials, [data])


template(context, {helpers: helpers, partials: partials, data: data})

JohnCoene/chirp documentation built on May 25, 2021, 6:33 p.m.