

Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback

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npm install json-schema-traverse


const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse');
const schema = {
  properties: {
    foo: {type: 'string'},
    bar: {type: 'integer'}

traverse(schema, {cb});
// cb is called 3 times with:
// 1. root schema
// 2. {type: 'string'}
// 3. {type: 'integer'}

// Or:

traverse(schema, {cb: {pre, post}});
// pre is called 3 times with:
// 1. root schema
// 2. {type: 'string'}
// 3. {type: 'integer'}
// post is called 3 times with:
// 1. {type: 'string'}
// 2. {type: 'integer'}
// 3. root schema

Callback function cb is called for each schema object (not including draft-06 boolean schemas), including the root schema, in pre-order traversal. Schema references ($ref) are not resolved, they are passed as is. Alternatively, you can pass a {pre, post} object as cb, and then pre will be called before traversing child elements, and post will be called after all child elements have been traversed.

Callback is passed these parameters:

Traverse objects in all unknown keywords

const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse');
const schema = {
  mySchema: {
    minimum: 1,
    maximum: 2

traverse(schema, {allKeys: true, cb});
// cb is called 2 times with:
// 1. root schema
// 2. mySchema

Without option allKeys: true callback will be called only with root schema.



JohnCoene/chirp documentation built on May 25, 2021, 6:33 p.m.