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Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) with Remarkable.

Table of Contents

(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save markdown-toc


Usage: markdown-toc [options] <input>

  input:        The Markdown file to parse for table of contents,
                or "-" to read from stdin.

  -i:           Edit the <input> file directly, injecting the TOC at &lt;!-- toc --&gt;
                (Without this flag, the default is to print the TOC to stdout.)

  --json:       Print the TOC in JSON format

  --append:     Append a string to the end of the TOC

  --bullets:    Bullets to use for items in the generated TOC
                (Supports multiple bullets: --bullets "*" --bullets "-" --bullets "+")
                (Default is "*".)

  --maxdepth:   Use headings whose depth is at most maxdepth
                (Default is 6.)

  --no-firsth1: Include the first h1-level heading in a file

  --no-stripHeadingTags: Do not strip extraneous HTML tags from heading
                         text before slugifying





var toc = require('markdown-toc');

toc('# One\n\n# Two').content;
// Results in:
// - [One](#one)
// - [Two](#two)

To allow customization of the output, an object is returned with the following properties:



Use as a remarkable plugin.

var Remarkable = require('remarkable');
var toc = require('markdown-toc');

function render(str, options) {
  return new Remarkable()
    .use(toc.plugin(options)) // <= register the plugin

Usage example

var results = render('# AAA\n# BBB\n# CCC\nfoo\nbar\nbaz');

Results in:

- [AAA](#aaa)
- [BBB](#bbb)
- [CCC](#ccc)


Object for creating a custom TOC.

toc('# AAA\n## BBB\n### CCC\nfoo').json;

// results in
[ { content: 'AAA', slug: 'aaa', lvl: 1 },
  { content: 'BBB', slug: 'bbb', lvl: 2 },
  { content: 'CCC', slug: 'ccc', lvl: 3 } ]


Insert a table of contents immediately after an opening <!-- toc --> code comment, or replace an existing TOC if both an opening comment and a closing comment (<!-- tocstop -->) are found.

(This strategy works well since code comments in markdown are hidden when viewed as HTML, like when viewing a README on GitHub README for example).


<!-- toc -->
- old toc 1
- old toc 2
- old toc 3
<!-- tocstop -->

## abc
This is a b c.

## xyz
This is x y z.

Would result in something like:

<!-- toc -->
- [abc](#abc)
- [xyz](#xyz)
<!-- tocstop -->

## abc
This is a b c.

## xyz
This is x y z.

Utility functions

As a convenience to folks who wants to create a custom TOC, markdown-toc's internal utility methods are exposed:

var toc = require('markdown-toc');


var result = toc('# AAA\n## BBB\n### CCC\nfoo');
var str = '';

result.json.forEach(function(heading) {
  str += toc.linkify(heading.content);



Append a string to the end of the TOC.

toc(str, {append: '\n_(TOC generated by Verb)_'});


Type: Function

Default: undefined



From time to time, we might get junk like this in our TOC.

[.aaa([foo], ...) another bad heading](#-aaa--foo--------another-bad-heading)

Unless you like that kind of thing, you might want to filter these bad headings out.

function removeJunk(str, ele, arr) {
  return str.indexOf('...') === -1;

var result = toc(str, {filter: removeJunk});
//=> beautiful TOC


Type: Function

Default: Basic non-word character replacement.


var str = toc('# Some Article', {slugify: require('uslug')});


Type: String|Array

Default: *

The bullet to use for each item in the generated TOC. If passed as an array (['*', '-', '+']), the bullet point strings will be used based on the header depth.


Type: Number

Default: 6

Use headings whose depth is at most maxdepth.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Exclude the first h1-level heading in a file. For example, this prevents the first heading in a README from showing up in the TOC.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Strip extraneous HTML tags from heading text before slugifying. This is similar to GitHub markdown behavior.


Related projects


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


| Commits | Contributor | | --- | --- | | 196 | jonschlinkert | | 4 | stefanwalther | | 3 | Marsup | | 2 | dvcrn | | 2 | maxogden | | 2 | twang2218 | | 2 | angrykoala | | 2 | zeke | | 1 | Vortex375 | | 1 | owzim | | 1 | chendaniely | | 1 | Daniel-Mietchen | | 1 | Feder1co5oave | | 1 | garygreen | | 1 | TehShrike | | 1 | citizenmatt | | 1 | rafaelsteil | | 1 | RichardBradley | | 1 | sethvincent | | 1 | lu22do |

Building docs

(This project's is generated by verb, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the readme template.)

To generate the readme, run the following command:

$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb

Running tests

Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:

$ npm install && npm test


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2017, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT License.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.6.0, on September 19, 2017.

JohnCoene/chirp documentation built on May 25, 2021, 6:33 p.m.