Man pages for JohnCoene/echarts
EChart htmlwidget

candlestickAdd candlestick
eanimationAdd animations
eareaAdd area
ebarAdd bars
echartInitiate an echart
echarts-shinyShiny bindings for echarts
echordAdd chord
ecloudAdd wordcloud
ecolorbarCustomise colorbar
edataAdd data
eforceBuild force network
efunnelAdd funnel
egaugeAdd gauge
egridCustomise grid
eheatmapAdd heatmap
elegendAdd legend
elineAdd lines
elinksAdd edges
eloadData loading options
emapAdd blank map
emap_choroplethAdd choropleth
emap_coordsAdd map coordinates
emap_heatAdd heat on map
emap_line_effectemap line effect
emap_linesAdd map lines
emap_pointsAdd map points
emap_roamAdd Zoom and roam controller
emark_linemark line
emark_pointmark points
enodesAdd nodes
eoptionsAdd global options
epieAdd pie
eradarAdd radar
escatterAdd scatter
ethemeAdd theme
etitleAdd title
etoolboxSetup toolbox
etoolbox_featureAdd toolbox feature
etoolbox_fullAdd all elements of toolbox
etoolbox_magicAdd toolbox magic buttons
etoolbox_markAdd toolbox feature mark button
etoolbox_restoreAdd toolbox restore button
etoolbox_saveAdd toolbox save as image button
etoolbox_viewAdd toolbox data view
etoolbox_zoomAdd toolbox zoom button
etooltipAdd tooltip
etreemapAdd Treemap
evennAdd venn
ezoomAdd data zoom
igraph2eforcePlot igraph
proxiesecharts Shiny proxies
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
xAxisCustomise x axis.
yAxisCustomise Y axis
JohnCoene/echarts documentation built on May 22, 2021, 6:18 p.m.