graphic: Graphic

e_graphic_gR Documentation



Low level API to define graphic elements.


e_graphic_g(e, ...)

e_group_g(e, ...)

e_image_g(e, ...)

e_text_g(e, ...)

e_rect_g(e, ...)

e_circle_g(e, ...)

e_ring_g(e, ...)

e_sector_g(e, ...)

e_arc_g(e, ...)

e_polygon_g(e, ...)

e_polyline_g(e, ...)

e_line_g(e, ...)

e_bezier_curve_g(e, ...)



An echarts4r object as returned by e_charts or a proxy as returned by echarts4rProxy.


Any other option to pass, check See Also section.


  • e_graphic_g to initialise graphics, entirely optional.

  • e_group_g to create group, the children of which will share attributes.

  • e_image_g to a png or jpg image.

  • e_text_g to add text.

  • e_rect_g to add a rectangle.

  • e_circle_g to add a circle.

  • e_ring_g to add a ring.

  • e_sector_g

  • e_arc_g to create an arc.

  • e_polygon_g to create a polygon.

  • e_polyline_g to create a polyline.

  • e_line_g to draw a line.

  • e_bezier_curve_g to draw a quadratic bezier curve or cubic bezier curve.


Some elements, i.e.: e_image_g may not display in the RStudio browwser but will work fine in your browser, R markdown documents and Shiny applications.

See Also

official documentation


# may not work in RStudio viewer
# Open in browser
cars |>
  e_charts(speed) |>
  e_scatter(dist) |>
    right = 20,
    top = 20,
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      width = 150,
      height = 150,
      opacity = .6

JohnCoene/echarts4 documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:18 a.m.