Broken pkgdown link example for pkgdown issue 763.

To reproduce.

  1. Create new project (this) in RStudio
  2. Create this README.Rmd file
  3. Edit DESCRIPTION file and .Rbuildignore
  4. Create directory and file extras/
  5. Set pkg docs in Github.
  6. knit README.Rmd
  7. Run pkgdown::build_site() in R.

Observed: this link works in but is broken in docs/index.html.

Expected: link to work both places (i.e. not be re-written from .md to .html).

A work-around is to relpace ".md" with "%2Emd" to hide the links from the processor.

JohnMount/BrokenLinkExample documentation built on May 10, 2019, 3:14 a.m.