Man pages for JohnNay/sa
Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Computational Models

compute_identityCompute Identity
compute_identity_multi_classCompute Identity Multi Class
compute_itersDetermine Number of Iterations to Simulate a Stochastic Model
computeIters-classAn S4 class to return the results of computing iterations...
compute_log_likCompute Negative Log Likelihood
compute_rmseCompute Root Mean Squared Error
create_loss_funcPick one of the loss functions from the package.
create_setCreate set of samples by sampling with LHS and then checking...
pc_saPartial Correlation Analysis of a Simulation Model
pcSA-classAn S4 class to return the results of sensitivity analyses
pcSobol-classAn S4 class to return the results of sensitivity analyses
plotGeneric Plot
sasa: A Package for Sensitivity Analysis for Complex...
sobol_saConduct a Sobol Sensitivity Analysis of a Simulation Model
JohnNay/sa documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:01 p.m.