Man pages for JonasMoss/straussR
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

add_elementsAdds named elements to a list when they are not there...
alist2Make lazy list from arguments
andersonBaby names.
argumentsReturns the argument list given to the current function
baskervilleBaby names.
coef.straussRExtract parameter estimates from a 'straussR' object.
do_callVariant of do call with that preserves argument names.
DoubleTruncationDouble truncation of normal and folded normal distribution.
dppredictivePrediction for 'straussR' objects.
dtruncnormDensity of the truncated normal.
effect_distributionPosterior effect size for a 'snifmar' object.
extract_argumentsGet the argument list from a 'call'.
extract_function_nameGet the function 'name' from a 'call'.
FoldedNormalThe Folded Normal Distribution
formula_labelsGet term labels from a formula.
formula_lhs_listConvenience functions for formulas.
get_domainGet the domains
helloHello, World!
is_two_sidedIs a formula tow-sided?
lplotPlot with 'type = "l", bty = "l"' as standard arguments.
make_alistMake an 'alist' with the specified 'names'.
massage_dataMassages 'formula', 'priors', and 'data' for 'straussR'.
massage_priorTransforms a prior formula to a list.
massage_priorsTransforms a list of priors to matrix form.
match_formalsMatch formals to a list of arugments
model_matrixConvert a collection of formulas to a model matrix and a...
motylBaby names.
pcurveFixed and mixed effects meta-analysis under selection for...
plot.straussGeneric plot for 'strauss' objects.
power_distributionFind the power distribution for a 'snifmar' object.
straussRMixture-based Bayesian Meta-analysis
straussR-packageThe 'straussR' package.
TruncatedFoldedNormalThe Truncated Folded Normal Distribution
JonasMoss/straussR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:02 p.m.