
#'@title Dataset of genera and abstracts from Bergey's Manual
#'@description A \code{tibble} with bacterial genera in the first column
#'and its corresponding abstracts in the second column.
#'@format A \code{tibble} with 2 columns, which are
#'   \item \code{genus}: Bacterial genera
#'   \item \code{abstract}: Corresponding abstract
#'data("bergeys", package = "bergeys.webscraper")
#'@source Web scraped from \url{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/browse/book/10.1002/9781118960608/toc}

#'@title The bergeys dataset mapped to NCBI taxid
#'@description A \code{data.frame} with NCBI taxonomy IDs in the
#'first column, genera in the second column, and bergey's abstract
#'in the third column.
#'@format A \code{data.frame} with 3 columns, which are
#'    \item \code{ncbi_id}: NCBI taxonomy ID
#'    \item \code{genus}: Bacterial genera
#'    \item \code{abstract}: Abstract
#'data("id_bergeys", package = "bergeys.webscraper")
JonathanYe3/bergeys.webscraper documentation built on July 12, 2020, 2:59 p.m.