Man pages for JorGarMol/VoCC
The Velocity of Climate Change and related climatic metrics

anguloInternal. Angle associated to the spatial gradient
climPCAReduce dimensionality of climate predictors via Principal...
climPlotBinned scatter plot for 2-dimensional climate space
dVoCCDistance-based velocity based on geographically closest...
EEZIcelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
gVoCCGradient-based climate velocity
HSSTMonthly mean sea surface temperatures (SST) around Iceland...
JapTCMultivariate Terraclimate data for Japan
resTimeClimatic residence time of a polygon
shiftTimeShift in timing of seasonal climatology
spatGradLocal spatial climatic gradients
splitLineInternal. Split a line segment defined by points A-B into n...
sumSeriesSummarize climatic series to higher temporal resolution
tempTrendLong-term local climatic trends
trajClasClimate velocity trajectory classification
trajLineClimate velocity trajectory spatial lines
voccTrajClimate velocity trajectories
JorGarMol/VoCC documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 11:07 p.m.