Man pages for JosephCrispell/plotteR
A collection of functions to help with base R plotting

addLabelPlot a label with optional polygon background
addLineBackToOriginalLocationPlot line from new alternative location back to original
addPlottedLabelAdd the information associated with a text label that has...
addPointsAdd non-overlapping points to plot
addSNPScaleAdd a SNP scale to phylogeny
addTextLabelsAdd non-overlapping text labels to plot
calculateAxesCoordinatesAtEachLevelDefine the coordinates for the radar level labels
calculateLabelHeightsAndWidthsCalculate the heights and widths of the labels in the current...
calculateLocationGet the X and Y coordinates of a string coded location on a...
calculatePointShapeSizeA function to calculate the size of a point shape in the...
calculatePointSizeCalculate the size of a point on the current plot
calculateWatermarkCexCalculate the factor to multiple text by so that it fits to...
calculateYAxisLimitsCalculate the limits of the Y axis
checkAlignmentClassCount the number of different nucleotides at a position in a...
chooseNewLocationA function to choose (from the alternative locations) a new...
countNucleotidesAtSiteCount the number of different nucleotides at a position in a...
createHistogramObjectsCreate, but don't plot, a histogram for each distribution
defineBreaksDefine the breaks to be used in histograms
euclideanDistanceCalculate the euclidean distance between two points
euclideanDistancesWithRescaledXAxisCalculate the euclidean distance between two sets of points....
generateAlternativeLocationsGenerate a set of alternative locations where labels can be...
generateEquiDistantPointsOnCircleGenerate equidistant points on a circle
generatePointsAlongPolygonPlaces set number of points along the edges of a polygon.
identifyValuesInBinsA function used to identify the indices of the values falling...
identifyWhiskersAndOutliersA function to identify the locations of the whiskers in a...
outsidePlotChecks whether adding a label at the current point will...
overlapsWithPlottedPointsChecks whether a point is too close to any of the plotted...
plotBinBoundariesA function used in development to see the size of the bins...
plotFASTAPlot the different nucleotides present in an alignment of...
plotMultipleHistogramsPlot multiple histograms in the same plot
progressA progress bar function to run within a 'for' loop
radarChartA function to produce a radar chart designed for mapping...
removeLocationAndThoseCloseToItFromAlternativesRemove coordinates of alternative locations that are too...
removeNAValuesRemove 'NA' values from each distribution
setAlphaA progress bar function to run within a 'for' loop
setOptionA function to assign value if multiple options are available,...
spreadPointsAdd spreaded, to avoid overlap, points to a boxplot
spreadPointsMultipleAdd spreaded, to avoid overlap, points to a boxplot...
testPchSizeCalculatorA function used in development to see how well the size of a...
tooCloseChecks whether a point is too close to any of the plotted...
watermarkAdd a watermark to an existing plot
JosephCrispell/plotteR documentation built on June 6, 2021, 7:24 p.m.