exif_call: Call ExifTool from R

View source: R/exif_read.R

exif_callR Documentation

Call ExifTool from R


Uses system2() to run a basic call to exiftool.


  args = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  stdout = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  config_file = NULL,
  common_args = NULL

exif_version(quiet = TRUE)



Character vector of arguments, each written in same form as you would if writing them on the command line (e.g. "-n" or "-csv")


A character vector giving one or more file paths.


Where output to stdout should be sent. If TRUE (the default), the output is captured in a character vector. For other options, see the help file for system2, the function to which this argument's value gets passed along.


Use FALSE to display diagnostic information. Default value is FALSE.


Additional arguments to be passed to system2().


Path to a config file of the format expected by Exiftool's command line -config option. (See Details for an explanation of why this one option cannot be passed directly to args via the -config argument.)


A character vector of arguments to be applied to all executed commands when the Exiftool -execute option is being used. (See Details for an explanation of why this option cannot be passed directly to args via -common_args argument.)


For examples of the command-line calls to ExifTool (all of which can be reproduced by calls to exif_call), see https://exiftool.org/examples.html.

Under the hood, exif_call() writes the options in args to a text file and then calls Exiftool, passing that text file's contents to Exiftool via its -@ ARGFILE option. -config and -common_args are the two options that may not be used in such a -@ ARGFILE, so we handle that option separately using exif_call()'s config_file argument.


The standard output as a character vector.


## Not run: 
## Find local ExifTool version using exif_version() or exif_call()
exif_call(args = "-ver")

## Make temporary copies of a couple jpeg files
tmpdir <- tempdir()
src_files <- dir(system.file(package = "exiftoolr", "images"),
                 full.names = TRUE)
files <- file.path(tmpdir, basename(src_files))
file.copy(src_files, files)

## Both of the following extract the same tags:
exif_read(files, tags = c("filename", "imagesize"))
exif_call(args = c("-n", "-j", "-q", "-filename", "-imagesize"),
          path = files)

## Set value of a new "Artist" field in photo's metadata
file1 <- files[1]
exif_read(file1, tags = "artist")
exif_call(path = file1, args = "-Artist=me")
exif_read(file1, tags = "artist")

## Remove all but a few essential fields
exif_call(path = file1, args = "-all=")

## Clean up

## End(Not run)

JoshOBrien/exiftoolr documentation built on July 23, 2024, 9:11 a.m.