Man pages for Jrakru/rCANSIM
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

apply_aliasclean up columns names
cleanup_column_names_tblwrapper function for drop_column_dt and apply_alias
create_meta_directory_csvUnzip metadata CSV files
drop_columns_dtdrop up columns
get_available_field_combinationswrapper function for drop_column_dt and apply_alias
get_cansim_cube_metadataRetrieve metadata for specified CANSIM table
get_common_dimreturns list of common dimension for a given list of PIDs
get_different_dimreturns a title for a given PIDs #'
get_dimensionreturns the dimension for a given PID
get_dim_fieldsreturns the fields present in a dimension for a given PID
get_highest_level_fields_in_dimensionguess the highest field in a dimension
get_object_rCANSIMget object from rCANSIM internal environment
get_PIDreturn PIDs from meta table
get_PID_descriptionreturns a title for a given PIDs #'
get_PID_with_dimensionsreturns list of PIDS containing specific fields
inspect_fieldsinspect the fields in PID that share the same dimension
list_metareturns list of dimension in a given table
list.of.labour.cansim_tblList of labour related CANSIM tables
load_tableload actual data in memory
ls_environmentInitializes the meta querying system
monthlyreturn meta table filtered for monthly freq
post_with_timeout_retryget POST repsonce from Statistic Canada web API
quarterlyreturn meta table filtered for quarterly freq
set_meta_directoryInitializes the meta querying system
set_meta_directory_apiInitializes the meta querying system using Statistics Canada...
set_meta_directory_csvInitializes the meta querying system using Statistics Canada...
smart_merge_pairwiseinteractive merging of cansim tables
yearlyreturn meta table filtered for yearly freq
Jrakru/rCANSIM documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:48 a.m.