Man pages for JulianBo/mcdsupportshiny
Customisable graphical application to support for multi-criteria decision problems using shiny

crossjoinFuncCrossjoin of two data.tables
getIndikatorensettingGet Settings of Indicators
getOpen.MaxdepthGet minimum of open.maxdepth and x$open.maxdepth
getwidthEven spread of difference
grapes-or-or-grapesFallback for Null-Value.
gs_sheetexistsTesting if googlesheet exists in open Googlesheet-location.
indentedRowCreation of indented fluidrows
initialize_datastorageInitializes external data storage.
loadDataLoads Data
mcdsupportshinymcdsupportshiny: Customisable graphical application to...
rColorVectorRecursively turn Configurations list into a vector of colors
recColorVectorInternal Version of rColorVector
recSliderGuiInputInternal Version of rSliderGui
recursiveTruerecursive indicating wether element or one of parents is...
rgetIndikatorensettingInternal version of getIndikatorensetting
rSliderGuiInputCreates List of Sliders.
saveDataSaves Data to place
setSliderGuiAttribsSetting Attributes of Elements within sliderGrui
sliderCheckboxInputModule sliderCheckbox: Slider with Checkbox
syncSliderGuiInputsSetting one SliderGuiInput to the state of another
utilityfuncConvert Values of Indicators to utility-values.
utility_settingsHelper function. Standard configuration of utility function
validateConfigTest validity of mcdsuppportshiny configuration
JulianBo/mcdsupportshiny documentation built on July 5, 2019, 12:51 a.m.