Power analysis for random effects in mixed models


Simulation functions to assess or explore the power of a dataset to estimates significant random effects in a mixed model. The functions are based on the "lme4" package.


The package is available on CRAN, in case of problem you can download the developper version directly from github using devtools::install_github("JulienGAMartin/pamm_R")


Martin, Nussey, Wilson and Reale Submitted Measuring between-individual variation in reaction norms in field and experimental studies: a power analysis of random regression models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Note 2020-01-20

Code as been fixed to work with the latest version of lme4 and lmerTest packages Suggestiosn for new functionality are welcome Code need to be cleaned a bit.


JulienGAMartin/pamm_R documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 7:44 p.m.