required_packages <- c("mlr3verse", "data.table", "xts", "openxlsx", "glmnet") # Add your required packages here

# Function to check and install the necessary packages
install_and_load <- function(packages) {
  for (package in packages) {
    # Check if the package is installed
    if (!require(package, character.only = TRUE)) {
      # Install the package if it is not installed
      install.packages(package, dependencies = TRUE)
      # Load the package after installing
      library(package, character.only = TRUE)

# Load factors and return data
source(file.path('..', 'inst', 'parsers', 'Value--Devil-in-HMLs-Details.R'))
colnames(data_ml) <- toupper(colnames(data_ml))
data_ml$DATE <- as.yearmon(as.Date(data_ml$DATE, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
data_ml[,-2] <- apply(data_ml[,-2],2,as.numeric)
data_ml <-
sample_stock <- data_ml[STOCK_ID == 17, !"STOCK_ID"]

factor_data <- list(HML_FF = HML_Devil.HML_FF, HML_Dev = HML_Devil.HML.DEV,
                    ME = HML_Devil.ME_1, MKT_EX = HML_Devil.MKT,
                    RF = HML_Devil.RF, SMB = HML_Devil.SMB, UMD = HML_Devil.UMD)
factor_vars <- c("HML_FF", "HML_Dev", "ME", "MKT_EX", "RF", "SMB", "UMD")
nfactor <- length(factor_data)
for (f in 1:nfactor) {
  if (ncol(factor_data[[f]]) > 1) {
    factor_data[[f]] <- factor_data[[f]][, 'USA']
  factor_data[[f]] <- data.table(
    "FACTOR" = factor_data[[f]],
    "DATE" = index(factor_data[[f]])
  colnames(factor_data[[f]]) <- c(factor_vars[f], 'DATE')
factor_data <- Reduce(function(...) {
  merge(..., by='DATE', all=TRUE)
}, factor_data)

full_data <- merge(sample_stock, factor_data, by = 'DATE', all = TRUE) |> 
  na.omit() |>

full_data[, `:=` (
  MKT = MKT_EX + RF,

full_data <- full_data[, !("RF")]
factor_vars <- factor_vars[factor_vars != "RF"]
short_data <- full_data[, .SD, .SDcols = c("DATE", "RETEX", factor_vars)]
cutoff_1 <- as.yearmon("2013-12")
cutoff_2 <- as.yearmon("2015-12")
training_data <- short_data[DATE <= cutoff_1, ]
holdout_data <- short_data[((DATE > cutoff_1) & (DATE <= cutoff_2)), ]
testing_data <- short_data[DATE > cutoff_2, ]

Prevailing Means Benchmark

pm_predictions <- numeric(nrow(testing_data))
pm_accuracies <- numeric(nrow(testing_data))
for (i in 1:nrow(testing_data)) {
  current_test_date <- testing_data[i, DATE]

  # Update training data to include all data up to the current test date
  updated_training_data <- short_data[DATE < current_test_date]

  # Calculate the benchmark prediction as the mean of previous RETEX values
  pm_predictions[i] <- mean(updated_training_data$RETEX)

  # Calculate accuracy (e.g., direction prediction accuracy)
  pm_accuracies[i] <- (pm_predictions[i] > 0) == (testing_data[i, RETEX] > 0)
pm_acc <- mean(pm_accuracies)

# Calculate prediction errors for the benchmark model
pm_errors <- testing_data$RETEX - pm_predictions
# Sum of squared errors for the benchmark model
ss_pm <- sum(pm_errors^2, na.rm = TRUE)

Combination Forecast

# Initialize vectors to store results
c_predictions <- nrow(testing_data)
c_accuracies <- nrow(testing_data)

# Loop over each point in the testing data
for (i in 1:nrow(testing_data)) {
  current_test_date <- testing_data[i, DATE]

  # Update training data to include all data up to the current test date
  updated_training_data <- short_data[DATE < current_test_date]

  # Initialize a vector to store individual model predictions
  individual_predictions <- numeric(length(factor_vars))

  # Loop over each covariate to train univariate models and make predictions
  for (j in seq_along(factor_vars)) {
    covariate <- factor_vars[j]
    formula <- as.formula(paste("RETEX ~", covariate))

    # Train the univariate OLS model
    ols_model <- lm(formula, data = updated_training_data)

    # Predict the current test point
    current_test_point <-[i, ..covariate])
    individual_predictions[j] <- predict(ols_model, newdata = current_test_point)

  # Combine predictions by averaging them
  c_predictions[i] <- mean(individual_predictions)

  # Calculate accuracy (e.g., direction prediction accuracy)
  c_accuracies[i] <- (c_predictions[i] > 0) == (testing_data[i, RETEX] > 0)

# Calculate overall accuracy for the combined predictions
c_acc <- mean(c_accuracies)

# Model evaluation
# Calculate prediction errors for the combined model
c_errors <- testing_data$RETEX - c_predictions
# Sum of squared errors for the combined model
ss_c <- sum(c_errors^2, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate R^2_OS
r2_c <- 1 - (ss_c / ss_pm)

Elastic Net Following the methodology of Rapach and Zhou 2019

enet_predictions <- nrow(testing_data)
enet_accuracies <- nrow(testing_data)
for (i in 1:nrow(testing_data)) {
  current_test_date <- as.yearmon(testing_data[i, "DATE"])

  # Update training data to include all data up to the current test date
  updated_training_data <- short_data[DATE < current_test_date, !("DATE")]

  # Train the model on the updated training data
  lasso <- TaskRegr$new(id = "lasso", backend = updated_training_data, target = "RETEX")
  lrn_lasso <- lrn("regr.cv_glmnet", alpha = 0.5)
  fitted_lasso <- lrn_lasso$model
  lasso_lambda_min <- fitted_lasso$lambda.min

  # Predict the current test point
  current_test_point <- testing_data[i, !c("RETEX", "DATE")]
  lasso_test_predict <- predict(fitted_lasso, as.matrix(current_test_point), lasso_lambda_min)

  # Store the prediction
  enet_predictions[i] <- lasso_test_predict

  # Calculate accuracy (e.g., direction prediction accuracy)
  enet_accuracies[i] <- mean((lasso_test_predict > 0) == (testing_data[i, RETEX] > 0))
enet_acc <- mean(enet_accuracies)
# Model evaluation
# Calculate prediction errors for the combined model
enet_errors <- testing_data$RETEX - enet_predictions
# Sum of squared errors for the combined model
ss_enet <- sum(enet_errors^2, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate R^2_OS
r2_enet <- 1 - (ss_enet / ss_pm)


combined_holdout_data <- rbind(holdout_data, testing_data)

# Initialize vectors to store results
cenet_predictions <- numeric(nrow(testing_data))
cenet_accuracies <- numeric(nrow(testing_data))

# Step 1: Loop over each point in the holdout and testing data for univariate OLS predictions
univariate_forecasts <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(combined_holdout_data), ncol = length(factor_vars))

for (i in 1:nrow(combined_holdout_data)) {
  current_test_date <- combined_holdout_data[i, DATE]

  # Update training data to include all data up to the day before the current test date
  updated_training_data <- short_data[DATE < current_test_date]

  # Compute recursive univariate predictive regression forecasts
  for (j in seq_along(factor_vars)) {
    covariate <- factor_vars[j]
    formula <- as.formula(paste("RETEX ~", covariate))

    # Train the univariate OLS model
    ols_model <- lm(formula, data = updated_training_data)

    # Predict the current test point
    current_test_point <-[i, ..covariate])
    univariate_forecasts[i, j] <- predict(ols_model, newdata = current_test_point)

# Step 2: Loop over each point in the testing data for ENet training and combined predictions
for (i in 1:nrow(testing_data)) {
  holdout_index <- nrow(holdout_data) + i

  if (holdout_index > 1) {
    X <- univariate_forecasts[1:(holdout_index - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    y <- combined_holdout_data$RETEX[1:(holdout_index - 1)]

    # Create a data.table for mlr3
    enet_data <-, y = y))

    # Define the task and learner for Elastic Net
    task <- TaskRegr$new("elastic_net", backend = enet_data, target = "y")
    learner <- lrn("regr.cv_glmnet", alpha = 0.000005)

    # Train the Elastic Net model
    enet_coefs <- coef(learner$model, s="lambda.min")[-1]

    # Identify selected predictors
    selected_indices <- which(enet_coefs != 0)
    if (length(selected_indices) > 0) {
      selected_forecasts <- univariate_forecasts[holdout_index, selected_indices]

      # Compute the C-ENet forecast
      cenet_predictions[i] <- mean(selected_forecasts)

      # Calculate accuracy (e.g., direction prediction accuracy)
      cenet_accuracies[i] <- (cenet_predictions[i] > 0) == (testing_data[i, RETEX] > 0)

# Calculate overall accuracy for the combined predictions
cenet_acc <- mean(cenet_accuracies, na.rm = TRUE)

# Model evaluation
# Calculate prediction errors for the combined model
cenet_errors <- testing_data$RETEX - cenet_predictions
# Sum of squared errors for the combined model
ss_cenet <- sum(cenet_errors^2, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate R^2_OS
r2_cenet <- 1 - (ss_cenet / ss_pm)


rpart_predictions <- NULL
rpart_accuracies <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(testing_data)) {
  current_test_date <- testing_data[i, DATE]

  # Update training data to include all data up to the day before the current test date
  updated_training_data <- short_data[DATE < current_test_date, !("DATE")]

  # Define the task and learner for the decision tree
  task <- TaskRegr$new(id = "rpart", backend = updated_training_data, target = "RETEX")
  learner <- lrn("regr.rpart")

  # Train the decision tree model

  # Predict the current test point
  current_test_point <- testing_data[i, !c("DATE")]
  rpart_predictions[i] <- learner$predict_newdata(current_test_point)[["response"]]
  rpart_accuracies[i] <- mean((rpart_predictions[i] > 0) == (testing_data[i, RETEX] > 0))

rpart_acc <- mean(rpart_accuracies)

# Model evaluation
# Calculate prediction errors for the combined model
rpart_errors <- testing_data$RETEX - rpart_predictions
# Sum of squared errors for the combined model
ss_rpart <- sum(rpart_errors^2, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate R^2_OS
r2_rpart <- 1 - (ss_rpart / ss_pm)

JustinMShea/ExpectedReturns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:37 p.m.