
#' meapsingle
#' Wooldridge Source: Collected by Professor Leslie Papke, an economics professor at MSU, from the Michigan Department of Education web site, www.michigan.gov/mde, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Professor Papke kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.
#' @section 
#' Used in Text: 100, 145-146, 198
#' @docType data
#' @usage data('meapsingle')
#' @format A data.frame with 229 observations on 18 variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \strong{dcode: }{district code}
#'  \item \strong{bcode: }{building code}
#'  \item \strong{math4: }{percent satisfactory, 4th grade math}
#'  \item \strong{read4: }{percent satisfactory, 4th grade reading}
#'  \item \strong{enroll: }{school enrollment}
#'  \item \strong{exppp: }{expenditures per pupil, $}
#'  \item \strong{free: }{percent eligible, free lunch}
#'  \item \strong{reduced: }{percent eligible, reduced lunch}
#'  \item \strong{lunch: }{free + reduced}
#'  \item \strong{medinc: }{zipcode median family, $ (1999)}
#'  \item \strong{totchild: }{# of children (in zipcode)}
#'  \item \strong{married: }{# of children in married-couple families}
#'  \item \strong{single: }{# of children not in married-couple families}
#'  \item \strong{pctsgle: }{percent of children not in married-couple families}
#'  \item \strong{zipcode: }{school zipcode}
#'  \item \strong{lenroll: }{log(enroll)}
#'  \item \strong{lexppp: }{log(exppp)}
#'  \item \strong{lmedinc: }{log(medinc)}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.cengage.com/c/introductory-econometrics-a-modern-approach-6e-wooldridge}
#' @examples  str(meapsingle)
JustinMShea/wooldRidge documentation built on May 8, 2023, 12:55 a.m.