meap93: meap93

meap93R Documentation



Wooldridge Source: I collected these data from the old Michigan Department of Education web site. See MATHPNL.RAW for the current web site. I used data on most high schools in the state of Michigan for 1993. I dropped some high schools that had suspicious-looking data. Data loads lazily.




A data.frame with 408 observations on 17 variables:

  • lnchprg: perc of studs in sch lnch prog

  • enroll: school enrollment

  • staff: staff per 1000 students

  • expend: expend. per stud, $

  • salary: avg. teacher salary, $

  • benefits: avg. teacher benefits, $

  • droprate: school dropout rate, perc

  • gradrate: school graduation rate, perc

  • math10: perc studs passing MEAP math

  • sci11: perc studs passing MEAP science

  • totcomp: salary + benefits

  • ltotcomp: log(totcomp)

  • lexpend: log of expend

  • lenroll: log(enroll)

  • lstaff: log(staff)

  • bensal: benefits/salary

  • lsalary: log(salary)


Many states have data, at either the district or building level, on student performance and spending. A good exercise in data collection and cleaning is to have students find such data for a particular state, and to put it into a form that can be used for econometric analysis.

Used in Text: pages 50, 65, 111-112, 127-128, 155-156, 219, 336, 339, 696-697




JustinMShea/wooldridge documentation built on May 16, 2023, 12:30 p.m.