Man pages for KO112/KO
Kevin O'Brien's Personal Package

binnedBinned One-Way Data/Plot
boundingBound or Divide/Round/Bound
cash-.columnTablesExtract Elements from a 'columnTables' Object
cat0'cat' Helper Function
clean_codeClean & Reformat Code
clean_col_namesClean Column Names
clean_namesClean Names
clean_selectionClean the Current Code Selection
colored_outputPrint out some Information
columnTablesCreate a 'columnTables' Object
compare_dfsCompare Data-Frames
compare_ggplotsCompare two ggplot objects
count_distinctCount Distinct Values
dataDictCreate a Data Dictionary
dim.dataDictDimensions of a 'dataDict'
dimension_namesDimension Names of a 'dataDict'
find_last_posFind the Last Position
format_percentFormat a numerical vector as percents
gini_weightedWeighted Gini
iifInline If Statement
latex_tableFormat a data frame in LaTeX code
mode_statStatistical Mode
multi_val_colsExtract Multi-Valued Columns
names.columnTablesGet the Names of a 'columnTables' Object
notifySend a Toast Notification
num_missingFind the number of missing values
pad_vectorConvert a vector to a padded character column
percent_missingFind the percent of missing values
plain_text_tableReturns a data frame in plain text with padded (equal width)...
print.columnTablesPrint a 'dataDict' Object
print.dataDictPrint a 'dataDict' Object
pvalue_starsP-Value Stars
quasi_poissonCreate a function to define AIC within a quasi Poisson family
quasi_poisson_aic_bicCalculate AIC & BIC
remove_to_textRemove to Text
replace_missingReplace missing values in a vector
run_chunkRun Code in the Console
run_consoleRun Code in the Console
run_fnRun a Function
run_selectionRun Selected Code
save_value_to_clipboard_variableSave Value to Clipboard Variable
select.matrixSelect Columns of a Matrix
send_selection_to_consoleSend Code to the Console
server-clipboardSend Value to Source Editor
set_compSet Comparison
snippet_pipe_checkSnippet Pipe Check
stop_ifStop if condition is met (with message)
sub-.columnTablesExtract Elements from a 'columnTables' Object
sub-.dataDictExtract Elements from a 'dataDict' Object
summarizeSummarize a Data Frame/Matrix/Vector
summary.columnTablesSummarize a 'dataDict' Object
summary.dataDictSummarize a 'dataDict' Object
table_dfTabulate a Data Frame/Matrix
tkDropDownCreate a TCL/TK Drop-Down List
trim_glmRemove excess parts of a GLM
trim_glm_summaryRemove excess parts of a GLM summary
updateDDUpdate a 'dataDict' Object
vec_printPrepare the Rows of the Output
vec_to_codeTransform a Vector to Code
KO112/KO documentation built on Oct. 2, 2020, 9:21 a.m.