Man pages for KTH-Library/bibliomatrix
Provide Functionality for Bibliometric Analytics

abm_bulletCreate bullet graph with reference line
abm_bullet_plotlyCreate alternate bullet graph with reference line (using...
abm_bullet_plotly2Create alternate bullet graph with reference line (using...
abm_configProvide defaults for ABM analysis
abm_copub_countriesCreate table over co-publication countries for ABM unit
abm_copub_countries_staffbasedCreate staffbased table over co-publication countries for ABM...
abm_copub_dataRetrieve co-publishing organizations for ABM tables
abm_copub_orgsCreate table over co-publication countries for ABM unit
abm_copub_orgs_staffbasedCreate staffbased table over co-publication organizations for...
abm_coverageRetrieve WoS and Scopus coverage for peer reviewed DiVA...
abm_dash_indicesRetrieve dashboard indicators for ABM
abm_dataRetrieve data for ABM tables and graphs from master table
abm_decode_jwtDecode JWT string
abm_divisionsDivisions used in ABM
abm_division_statsPublication summary stats for ABM divisions
abm_graph_cfCreate graph over Cf by year, WoS
abm_graph_cf_plotlyCreate graph over DiVA publication types by year, using...
abm_graph_copubCreate graph over international and Swedish non-university...
abm_graph_copub_plotlyCreate graph over international and Swedish non-university...
abm_graph_divaCreate graph over DiVA publication types by year
abm_graph_diva2Create graph over DiVA publication types by year (ggplot,...
abm_graph_diva_plotlyCreate graph over DiVA publication types by year, using...
abm_graph_divisionsABM divisions as force directed network
abm_graph_jcfCreate graph over jcf by year, WoS
abm_graph_jcf_plotlyCreate graph over jcf by year, using plotly
abm_graph_oadata_linegraphsChart displaying the development of Open Access data...
abm_graph_oadata_pieCreate pie chart for Open Access data
abm_graph_oadata_piechartPie chart for Open Access data
abm_graph_oadata_shareChart displaying shares of Open Access data publications
abm_graph_oadata_stackedareaCreate stacked area graph for Open Access data
abm_graph_oadata_stackedarea_plotlyPlotly chart wrapping the abm_graph_oadata_stacked graph
abm_graph_scop_copubCreate graph over international and corporate copublications...
abm_graph_scop_normcitCreate graph over Scopus FWCI by years
abm_graph_scop_snipCreate graph over SNIP by year, Scopus
abm_graph_scop_top10Create graph over Top 10% publications by year, Scopus
abm_graph_scop_top20Create graph over Top 20% journals by year, Scopus
abm_graph_sdgCreate graph over SDGs
abm_graph_top10Create graph over Top 10% publications by year, Wos
abm_graph_top10_plotlyCreate graph over Cf by year, using plotly
abm_graph_top20Create graph over Top 20% journals by year, WoS
abm_graph_top20_plotlyCreate graph over Top 20% journals by year, using plotly
abm_graph_wos_coverageCreate graph over WoS coverage by DiVA publication type
abm_graph_wos_coverage_plotlyCreate graph over WoS coverage by year, using plotly
abm_private_dataPrivate data from the Annual Bibliometric Monitoring project
abm_publicationsRetrieve publication list for ABM
abm_public_dataPublic data from the Annual Bibliometric Monitoring project
abm_public_kthPublic data with Annual Bibliometric Monitoring for KTH...
abm_pubs_summarySummary for a list of publications
abm_reportA report used in ABM
abm_researchersResearchers used in ABM
abm_sdg_tableCreate table over SDGs for the selected unit
abm_sdg_yearCreate table over any SDG by year for the selected unit
abm_slugs_departmentsSlugs or identifiers for departments at KTH used in ABM
abm_staff_dataGet publications from members of unit via kthids
abm_staff_listGet staff list from slug
abm_table1Retrieve Table 1 (Publications in DiVA) for ABM, fractional...
abm_table1_fullRetrieve Table 1 (Publications in DiVA) for ABM, full counts
abm_table2Retrieve Table 2 (Citations 3-year window) for ABM
abm_table3Retrieve Table 3 (Field normalized citations) for ABM
abm_table4Retrieve Table 4 (Journal impact) for ABM
abm_table5Retrieve Table 5 (Co-publishing) for ABM
abm_table6Retrieve Table 6 (OA data) for ABM
abm_table_scop_citRetrieve citations table (Scopus) for ABM
abm_table_scop_copubRetrieve Co-publishing table (Scopus) for ABM
abm_table_scop_normcitRetrieve field normalized citations table (Scopus) for ABM
abm_table_scop_snipRetrieve Journal impact table (Scopus) for ABM
abm_ui_bullet_citationsBullet graph for citations in ABM
abm_ui_bullet_journalBullet graph for journal citations in ABM
abm_ui_button_altmetricLink to Altmetric Explorer for an organizational unit at KTH
abm_ui_button_divaLink to DiVA portal at KTH
abm_ui_button_publistLink to Publication List download for KTH
abm_ui_datatable_cfDatatable for 3 year citations (cf)
abm_ui_datatable_city3yDatatable for 3 year citations
abm_ui_datatable_copubDatatable for co-publication (WoS)
abm_ui_datatable_copub_countriesDatatable for co-publication countries (WoS)
abm_ui_datatable_copub_orgsDatatable for co-publication organizations (WoS)
abm_ui_datatable_divaDatatable for DiVA publications
abm_ui_datatable_diva_fullDatatable for DiVA publications, full counts
abm_ui_datatable_jcfDatatable for journal impact (jcf)
abm_ui_datatable_oaDatatable for open access publications
abm_ui_datatable_publicationsDatatable for publication list
abm_ui_datatable_researchersDatatable for researchers
abm_ui_datatable_scop_citDatatable for Scopus citations
abm_ui_datatable_scop_copubDatatable for co-publication (Scopus)
abm_ui_datatable_scop_normcitDatatable for Scopus FWCI
abm_ui_datatable_scop_snipDatatable for Scopus journal impact (SNIP)
abm_ui_datatable_sdg_tableDatatable for SDG publicaitons by goal
abm_ui_datatable_sdg_yearDatatable for SDG publicaitons by year
abm_ui_kable_cfHTML table for 3 year citations (cf)
abm_ui_kable_cit3yHTML table for 3 year citations
abm_ui_kable_copubHTML table for co-publication (WoS)
abm_ui_kable_copub_countriesHTML table for co-publication countries (WoS)
abm_ui_kable_copub_orgsHTML table for co-publication organizations (WoS)
abm_ui_kable_divaHTML table for DiVA publications
abm_ui_kable_diva_fullHTML table for DiVA publications, full counts
abm_ui_kable_jcfHTML table for journal impact (jcf)
abm_ui_kable_oaHTML table for open access publications
abm_ui_kable_scop_citHTML table for Scopus citations
abm_ui_kable_scop_copubHTML table for co-publication (Scopus)
abm_ui_kable_scop_normcitHTML table for Scopus FWCI
abm_ui_kable_scop_snipHTML table for Scopus journal impact (SNIP)
abm_ui_kable_sdg_tableHTML table for SDG publicaitons by goal
abm_ui_kable_sdg_yearHTML table for SDG publicaitons by year
abm_ui_noteA note to keep in mind when interpreting results
abm_ui_summary_pubsSummary valuebox for publications
abm_ui_valuebox_coverageValue box for coverage in ABM
abm_ui_valuebox_publicationsValue box for number of publications in ABM
abm_ui_waffle_copubWaffle graph for co-publications in ABM
abm_unit_pubsPublications for ABM researchers belonging to a unit
abm_unit_statsPublication summary stats for ABM divisions and institutions...
abm_waffle_pctCreate waffle chart (5 rows, 20 columns) for any single...
abm_waffle_pct_plotlyCreate alternate waffle chart (with plotly)
con_bibConnection to Bibliometrics data source for KTH
coveragetextGenerate text for Web of Science coverage warnings
db_sqlite_locationLocation of sqlite3 db file for BIBMON data
db_syncSync the MS SQL Server database BIBMON to a local SQLite3 db
db_upload_crawlCrawl and persist organizational data from KTH API
db_upsert_tableCreate or overwrite table at connection source
displayname_from_kthidKTH displayname from user account identifier
get_indic_descriptionsGet displayname and descriptions for indicators
get_pubtype_orderGet order of publication type for ABM table 1
kth_catalog_crawlGiven an organizational "slug", a depth first traversal is...
kth_divisions_crawlCrawl kthapi for divisions
kthid_from_accountnameKTH user account identifier (kthid) from account name
kthids_from_slugGiven a organizational unit slug, such as "j/jj/jjn",...
kth_themeKTH plot theme for ggplot
mean_indicator_unitsCalculate average citation indicators across years
nowrap_htmlString formatting utility to avoid wrapping of hyphens inside...
nowrap_hyphen_subString formatting utility to substitute soft hyphens inside...
palette_kthKTH color palette with 5 qualitative colors
palette_kth_infoKTH color palette information
pipePipe operator
pool_bibConnection pool to Bibliometrics data source for KTH
prerenderPrerender dashboards for public data
prerender_cache_locationLocation for prerender cache with dashboard HTML content
prerender_cache_syncUpdate shiny apps www/cache with prerenderd dashboard HTML...
run_apiRunning this function launches a Plumber API presenting...
run_appRunning this function launches a Shiny web application...
sliding_intervalsCreate integer intervals useful for e.g. sliding means
status_dbStatus message related to db availability
status_kthapiStatus message related to KTH API availability
status_renvironStatus message related to R environment file availability
time_graphGraph of indicators by year, with or without moving average...
timegraph_header_legendGraph to subheader of timegraph
unit_infoRetrieve information about ABM units (level 0-2) from...
wos_attributionGenerate Web of Science attribution
wos_disclaimerGenerate Web of Science disclaimer
KTH-Library/bibliomatrix documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.