classify_umu_ub: Classify a publication record by Swedish standard subject...

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classify_umu_ubR Documentation

Classify a publication record by Swedish standard subject categories


UmeƄ University provides a web api described here, for classifying english and swedish language records from DiVA or Swepub based on the MODS format (v 3.2 or later) according to the Swedish standard. Classification can also be made based on a Web of Science record Uploaded record batches may not exceed 200 MB, using batches of 10 MB are recommended (around 2-3000 records per chunk)


  type = c("mods", "wos"),
  threshold = 0.2,
  email = ""



string the publication identifier string in DiVA or an export file from Web of Science in the "Plain text/Full record" format


string, type of identifier, one of "mods" or "wos", default: "mods"


a value in between 0.1 and 0.51, which governs to which which extent a record is classified with more than one subject area


email adress for the user


The classification is based on information in there record from the title and abstract (required) but also on keywords, ISSN/journal, ISBN-prefix/ publisher and affiliations. Training data comes from SwePub (July 2020). It is based on the following papers:

The classification is made at the research topic level (5 digits) for English language records and at research subject group level 3 digits for Swedish language records.


a tibble with suggested classifications


## Not run: 

# classify using a DiVA record identifier
classify_umu_ub("diva2:515038", threshold = 0.3, email = "")

# classify using a WoS Record in Flatfile/Plain text format
wos_record <- readr::read_lines("")
classify_umu_ub(wos_record, type = "wos")

## End(Not run)

KTH-Library/kthapi documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 9:19 p.m.