library(magrittr) # for "%>%" pipe operator

# overwrite functions modified by HS 

if (FALSE) {
# 1) Step: Import Data
## From Excel file 
#rawData <- importData(xlsPath = "C:/Users/mrustl/Documents/WC_Server/DEMEAU/Work Areas/WA1 MAR/TracerSVH/datosTOT_StVicen+ยบ_jun2008-abr2009OK.xls")
#save(rawData,file = "C:/Users/mrustl/Documents/WC_Server/R_Development/trunk/RPackages/kwb.demeau/inst/extdata/monitoring/moniDat.RData")
# From R object (if Excel was already imported)
rawData <- importData()

# 2) Step: Data processing (aggregate to median daily values)
moniDat <- processingData(rawData = rawData)

# Infiltration pond area (m2)
shp.dir <- system.file("extdata", "qgis", package = "kwb.demeau")
shp.files <- dir(path = shp.dir, pattern = ".shp", full.names = TRUE)
gisData <- kwb.demeau::importShapefiles(shp.files)
ponds <- kwb.demeau::getFeatures(gisData,addColNames = "Area")
infiltrationPond_Area <- ponds$Area[ponds$Name == "Infiltration pond"] 

infPeriod <- kwb.demeau::filterMoniData(minDate = "2009-03-03", 
                            maxDate = "2009-04-02", 
                            df = moniDat$agg$dailyMedian)

infPeriod$TIME_day <- as.numeric(difftime(infPeriod$myDate,min(infPeriod$myDate) - 0.5,
                                          units = "days"))

iniAmbientTemp <- kwb.demeau::filterMoniData(paras = "Temp_C",
                                 minDate = "2009-02-28", 
                                 maxDate = "2009-03-02", 
                                 df = moniDat$agg$dailyMedian)

### Median GW temperature before infiltration 
#### (important note: ignored BSV-1 has 12 C !!! -> permanent infiltration????)
iniAmbientTempMedian <- aggregate(as.formula("parVal ~ moniLocation"), 
                                  data = iniAmbientTemp,FUN = median)
condition <- !iniAmbientTempMedian$moniLocation %in% c("Tuberia", "BSV-2_BARO65699", "BSV-1")
iniAmbientGwTempMedian <- median(iniAmbientTempMedian[condition,]$parVal)

print(sprintf("Initial GW temperature before infiltration: %2.3f C", iniAmbientGwTempMedian))

### Median pond temperature at Tuberia during infiltration period
pondTemp <- infPeriod[infPeriod$moniParName == "Temp_C" & infPeriod$moniLocation == "Tuberia",]
pondTempMedian <- median(pondTemp$parVal)

print(sprintf("Median pond temperature during infiltration: %2.3f C", pondTempMedian))

# Median daily inflow (m3/d) into infiltration pond between 2009-03-03 and 
# 2009-04-02
inflow_cbmPerHour <- infPeriod$parVal[infPeriod$moniParName == "Inflow_cbmPerH"]

medianInflow_cbmPerDay <- median(inflow_cbmPerHour)*24

print(sprintf("Median inflow to infiltration pond: %2.1f m3/h (%4.1f m3/day)",median(inflow_cbmPerHour), medianInflow_cbmPerDay))

### Infiltration rate per unit area (m/d)
infRate_perUnitArea <- medianInflow_cbmPerDay/infiltrationPond_Area
print(sprintf("Infiltration rate per unit pond area: %1.3f m/d",infRate_perUnitArea))




Within the DEMEAU project a xxxxx


Modelling of heat transport during MAR for a case study site in Spain for identifying key processes in the subsurface.


Material & Methods

Energy transport modelling in variable-saturated porous media

Theoretical background

The energy transport equation is defined as followed Healy and Ronan, 1996:

$$ \delta / \delta t [\theta C_W + (1 - \phi)C_S] T =
\triangle * K_T(\theta) \triangle T + \triangle * \theta C_W D_{Hi,j} \triangle T - \triangle \theta C_W \nu T + qC_W T^* $$


$\triangle$ - spatial gradient (in $m^{-1}$), i.e. $\delta/\delta x + \delta/\delta y +\delta/\delta z$

$t$ - time (in $s$)

$\theta$ - volumetric moisture content

$\phi$ - porosity

$C_W$ - heat capacity (i.e. density times specific heat) of water (in $J/m^3?C$)

$C_S$ - heat capacity of dry solid (in $J/m^3?C$)

$T$ - temperature (in $?C$)

$K_T$ - thermal conductivity of water and solid matrix tensor (in $W/m?C$)

$\nu$ - water velocity (in $m/s$)

$q$ - rate of fluid source (in $s^{-1}$)

$T^*$ - temperature of fluid source (in $?C$)

$D_{Hi,j}$ - hydrodynamic dispersion tensor (in $m^2/s$) defined as: $\alpha_T|\nu|\delta_{ij} + (\alpha_L - \alpha_T)v_iv_j/|\nu|$

In case of unsaturation conditions, this equation ignores the possible impact of the air phase on the heat transport. However, as this term is normaly small compared to that of water, neglecting the term will not impact the modelling results substantially for practical purposes (Healy and Ronan, 1996).

In total four processes impact the energy transport:



For this study the software VS2DHI (for further information see), developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and provided for free was selected for modelling the subsurface heat transport because it:

The required model parameters and its sensitivities for simulating heat transport are shown in Tab.1:

Tab.1: VS2DH model parameters to model heat as a tracer through alluvial sediments (from: Stonestorm & Constantz, 2003)



R & RStudio

VS2DHI provides a:

However, its pre-processor offers no advanced features like for example automatically changing model input parameters (e.g. hydraulic conductivty) and performing model batch runs, which is required for an automatised, reproducible model calibration.

To overcome this drawback the programming language R (http://www.r-project.org) in conjunction with the user friendly integrated development enviroment (IDE) RStudio (http://www.rstudio.org) is chosen for this study in order to perform:


Case study site

The case study is a MAR site in the Llobregat River Delta Aquifer in Spain close to Barcelona. A vertical cross-section of the case study site showing the locations of the monitoring points is shown in Fig.2: Fig.2

Fig.2: Vertical cross-section of case-study site


Available data

The following data is available for the study period (January - April 2009):

However, no data is available on:

Data pre-processing

The following data pre-processing steps were performed after importing the raw data from the original EXCEL spreadsheet into R:

  1. Temporal aggregation: frequently (in general: every five minutes) measured parameters (barometric pressure, water column, temperature, electronic conductivity) were aggregated to daily median values

  2. Calculations

  3. Water column: correction of water column pressure with atmospheric pressure

  4. Water level change: difference between water column at time X compared to water column before the start of infiltration period (i.e. 02/03/2009)

No data pre-processing was necessary for the inflow rate to the infiltration pond, as this information was only available with a daily temporal resolution.

The resulting time series of water level change, temperature for all available monitoring points after data pre-processing step are shown in Fig.3 (bottom). In addition, also the inflow rate to the infiltration pond is shown (Fig.3, top). However, in case of this information no data-preprocessing was necessary, because these data were already available with a daily temporal resolution.


tmp <- renameValues(df = moniDat$agg$dailyMedian,
             colName = "moniLocation",
             oldVal = "BSV-2_BARO65699", 
             newVal="Air (BSV-2_BARO65699)"

infiltration <- filterMoniData(locations = "InfiltrationPond",
                               df = tmp)

lattice::xyplot(as.formula("parVal ~ myDate | moniLocation"), 
       xlab = "",
       ylab = "", #"Inflow (m3/h)", 
      panel = function(...) {
                   panel.abline(v = infiltration$myDate, 
                                col = "lightgrey", 
                                lty = 2, 
                                lwd = 0.5) 
       type = "h", 
       lwd = 5, 
       main = "Inflow (m3/h)",
       data = infiltration)
myLocations <- c("Air (BSV-2_BARO65699)",

selDat <- kwb.demeau::filterMoniData(df = tmp, locations = myLocations)
numberOfLocations <- length(unique(selDat$moniLocation))
kwb.demeau::plotMonitoringWithTwoYAxes(df = selDat, 
                           as.table = TRUE, 
                           layout = c(1,numberOfLocations)

Fig.3: Time series of inflow rates into infiltration pond (top) and water level change (blue) and temperature (purple) for different monitoring points (bottom) after data-preprocessing (bottom)

VS2DI model

The general framework and steps for building a numerical model for simulating heat transport is described in detail in Appendix B, Stonestorm & Constantz, 2003 and is used for this case study as a role model.

Model structure

For this study a two dimensional vertical cross section of the MAR site is modelled

The model structure of the unsaturated zone, the aquifer and the filter screens of the observation wells (piezometers) are deduced from Fig.1 and implemented in the VS2DHI model as shown below in Fig.2.

### Importing GIS features
# shp.dir <- system.file("extdata", "qgis", package = "kwb.demeau")
# shp.files <- dir(path = shp.dir, pattern = ".shp", full.names = TRUE)
# gisData <- kwb.demeau::importShapefiles(shp.files)
# ### Optionally remove some features 
# #getFeatures(gisData)
gisData <- kwb.demeau::removeFeatures(gisData = gisData, 
                          ignoreFeatureIDs = 20 ## id 20: settling basin

### Heat model  
#### 1) Prepare
preparedHeatModel <- kwb.demeau::prepareModel(gisData = gisData,
                                      type = "heat",
                                      rech_pondInfRate = infRate_perUnitArea,
                                      rech_pondTemp = pondTempMedian, 
                                      init_gwTemp = iniAmbientGwTempMedian,
                                      flow_satKh = 440.4667,
                                      flow_ratioKzKh = 0.01)

kwb.demeau::plotModelStructure(df = preparedHeatModel$modelStructure$features)

Fig.2: VS2DHI heat model structure

For simulating the unsaturated zone characteristics the van Genuchten Model is used with the following parameterisation:

models <- kwb.demeau::genuchtenModels(pressureHeads = -rev(seq(0,6.5,0.5)), 
                                      alphas = 2, 
                                      betas = 5)
models$effSaturation <- models$effSaturation*100

lattice::xyplot(as.formula("pressureHead ~ effSaturation | label"), 
                ylim = rev(c(min(models$pressureHead),0)),
                xlim = c(0,100), type = "b", pch = 16,
                 ylab = "Pressure head (in meter)",
                    xlab = "Effective saturation (in %)", 
                data = models, auto.key = TRUE, as.table = TRUE)

Boundary conditions

The following boundary conditions are implemented in the numerical model

Initial conditions

For each active node inside the model boundaries of the numerical model initial values for both, head and temperature are required.

Model parameter data

Observation data

Requirements: (from: Stonestorm & Constantz, 2003)

  1. Accurate data: i.e. head (for saturated soils), water content (for unsaturated soils) and temperature

  2. Spatio-temporal accuracy: coordinates of observation points and sampling time

  3. Temperature data: should show a high variability

For finding an unique solution two aspects of temperature variation need to be simulated:

  1. Attenuation of the temperature signal's amplitude

  2. Shift in the temperature signal's phase in the direction of groundwater movement

Model calibration


Modelling results


For calibration a period of continious recharge from 3/03/2009 until 02/04/2009 was used.


if (FALSE) {
  heatModel <- kwb.demeau::runHeatModel(preparedHeatModel = preparedHeatModel)
objCrit <- c("RMSE", "R2", "PBIAS")
fitnessWaterLevelChange <- fitnessWithLabel(
  heatModel = heatModel, 
  moniDat = moniDat,
  objState = "waterLevelChange", 
  objCrit = objCrit,
  main = "", 
  cex.label = 2,
  performance.in.label = FALSE
fitnessTemp <- fitnessWithLabel(
  heatModel = heatModel, 
  moniDat = moniDat,
  objState = "temp", 
  objCrit = objCrit,
  main = "", 
  cex.label = 2,
  performance.in.label = FALSE

Travel times

### Solute transport model  
#### 1) Prepare
if (FALSE) {
preparedSoluteModel <- prepareModel(gisData = gisData,
                                       type = "solu",
                                       rech_pondInfRate = infRate_perUnitArea,
                                       rech_pondTemp = pondTempMedian, 
                                       init_gwTemp = iniAmbientGwTempMedian,
                                       time_outputTimeStep = 0.01,
                                       time_minSimTime = 0.1, 
                                       time_maxSimTime = 30.5,
                                       flow_satKh = 440.4667,
                                       flow_ratioKzKh = 0.01)

## 2) Run 
soluteModel <- runSoluteModel(preparedSoluteModel = preparedSoluteModel)
### 3) Plot figure
solute <- soluteModelled(soluteModel = soluteModel,offset = 0.01)
### 3) Plot table
domTravelTimes <- solute$domeTimes$agg
domTravelTimes$maxConc <- round(domTravelTimes$maxConc * 100, 0)
domTravelTimes$Name <- as.character(domTravelTimes$Name)

domTravelTimes <- domTravelTimes[,c("Name","TIME_day", "maxConc" )] %>%  plyr::rename(c(Name = 'MoniWellId', 
                                   TIME_day = "Dominant travel time (days)",
                                   maxConc = "Share of infiltrate (%)"))

rmarkdownTable <- function(df){
  cat(paste(names(df), collapse = "|"))
  cat(paste(rep("-", ncol(df)), collapse = "|"))

  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    cat(paste(df[i,], collapse = "|"))

#Export Data to CSV
exportCSV <- function(objects =  c("fitnessTemp", 
                       tDir = tempdir(),
                      openDir = TRUE) {
for (object in objects) {
write.csv(x = get(object),file = file.path(tDir, paste0(object,".csv")))
if (openDir) kwb.utils::hsOpenWindowsExplorer(tDir)


Conclusions & Outlook

KWB-R/kwb.demeau documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 12:19 p.m.