API for KWB-R/kwb.hydrus1d
R Interface for the Last Official Release of Hydrus1D (V4.17.0140) for Windows

Global functions
%>% Man page
check_hydrus_exe Man page Source code
convert_atmosphere_to_string Source code
defaults_atmosphere Man page Source code
get_atmosphere_headers Man page Source code
get_number_of_endlines Source code
get_output_meta Man page Source code
get_units_list Man page Source code
prepare_atmosphere_input Man page Source code
read_alevel Man page Source code
read_meta_general Man page Source code
read_runinf Man page Source code
read_selector_list Source code
read_solute Man page Source code
read_tlevel Man page Source code
read_waterflow Source code
run_model Man page Source code
set_metadata Source code
stop_formatted Source code
to_fortran_truefalse Source code
to_orig_headers Source code
to_r_truefalse Source code
write_atmosphere Man page
write_waterflow_txt Source code
KWB-R/kwb.hydrus1d documentation built on Nov. 21, 2022, 4:54 a.m.