#' Read Obs_Node.out
#' @param path path to Obs_Node.out
#' @param calculate_mass should masses for all concentrations be calculated, i.e.
#' flux*conc(1-n) (default: TRUE)
#' @param to_longer convert table to longer format (default: TRUE)
#' @param debug print debug messages? (default: TRUE)
#' @return tibble with Obs_Node time series data
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim str_split str_replace_all str_remove
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @export
read_obsnode <- function(path, to_longer = TRUE,
calculate_mass = TRUE,
debug = TRUE) {
# Lese die Datei ein
lines <- readLines(path)
lines <- lines[seq_len(grep("end", lines)-1)]
# Lese die Node-Namen aus Zeile 9 ein
nodes_idx <- grep("Node", lines)
nodes_line <- lines[nodes_idx]
node_names <- nodes_line %>%
stringr::str_trim() %>%
stringr::str_split("\\s{2,}", simplify = TRUE) %>%
as.vector() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "\\(\\s?", replacement = "") %>%
stringr::str_remove("\\)") %>%
timeseries_idx <- grep("time", lines)
headers <- lines[timeseries_idx] %>%
stringr::str_trim() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\\s+", ",") %>%
stringr::str_split(pattern = ",", simplify = TRUE) %>%
as.vector() %>%
block_start <- grep(pattern = "^h$", headers)
block_end <- c(block_start[2:length(block_start)] - 1, length(headers))
n_blocks <- length(block_start)
headers_clean <- c("time", lapply(seq_len(n_blocks), function(i) {
headers_sel <- headers[block_start[i]:block_end[i]]
is_conc <- grepl("conc", headers_sel)
if(sum(is_conc) > 0) {
headers_sel[is_conc] <- sprintf("%s%d",
sprintf("%s_%s", node_names[i], headers_sel)
}) %>% unlist())
dat_csv <- c(paste0(headers_clean, collapse = " "),
lines[(timeseries_idx+1):length(lines)]) %>%
stringr::str_trim() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\\s+", ",")
path_csv <- file.path(tempdir(), "obs_node.csv")
writeLines(dat_csv, path_csv)
dat <- readr::read_csv(path_csv,
show_col_types = if(!debug) FALSE)
calc_mass <- function(dat) {
# Berechne die Massen dynamisch
conc_cols <- names(dat)[grepl("^conc", names(dat))]
mass_cols <- paste0("mass", seq_along(conc_cols))
dat_mass <- dat %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(conc_cols), ~ flux * ., .names = "mass{col}"))
names(dat_mass) <- gsub("massconc", "mass", names(dat_mass))
dat_long <- dat %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer( - time) %>%
tidyr::separate(col = "name", into = c("node_id", "variable"), sep = "_") %>%
dplyr::mutate(node_id = stringr::str_remove(node_id, "node") %>% as.integer())
if(calculate_mass) {
n_conc <- dat_long %>%
dplyr::filter(grepl("^conc", variable)) %>%
dplyr::pull(variable) %>%
unique() %>%
dat_long <- kwb.utils::catAndRun(sprintf("Calculating 'mass' for %d substance concentrations (flux*conc[%s]",
paste0(seq_len(n_conc), collapse = ",")),
expr = {
dat_long %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "variable") %>%
calc_mass() %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(names_to = "variable",
- tidyselect::all_of(c("time","node_id")))
dbg = debug)
if(!to_longer) {
dat_long <- dat_long %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "variable")
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