Man pages for Kahi-Na/Algorithme-GBC
GBC the Package of the Graph Based Clustering Method

calc_sub_graphThe nodes within the graph (or the subgraph) before cutting...
dfsThe contained nodes in the sugraph after cutting the...
distance.matrixThe Distance between each pair of points of the given...
gbcGbc function is a graph based clustering method. A function...
rngDraw the Neighborhood Graph-NG of the dataset
ruspinicoordinates x and y of 75 points in the abscissa and ordinate...
s2-samplesample of S2 type of dataset as an example of the presence of...
set_cluster_numberThe number of the cluster for each node. This function...
Kahi-Na/Algorithme-GBC documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:11 a.m.