Man pages for Kanjali/stencilRfunctions
Packages require to run master script

addRGBValuesToColorRGB values for given color hexcode Get the color hexcodes...
addUnsoldItemsIntoSalesAdd unsold items from soh data into sales data and aslo add...
closeDbConnectionClose DB connections
complimentary_colum_selectorUsed to get the columns which need to be predict during...
dataSavingIntoCsvFilesCreate csv files from given data frame It takes a all stores...
getPeriodNumbersGet the FY period number and year for given dates
getSohForStartingWeekOfDateGet soh for the starting period for the given dates if...
getTrainingTestDataFromRawInputSeperate the traing and test(prediction) data from raw input...
getWeekOneSohGet week-1 soh using sales happened in that week and soh of...
helloHello, World!
mlPipelineGet the one hot encoding data
nnAlgorithmNN algorithm function
NormalizeDataNormalize the one hot encoding data to generate input for NN
rfAlgorithmRF algorithm function
Kanjali/stencilRfunctions documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:08 p.m.