
# extract_marker <-
#   function(array_piece, white_ratio = .95, occupancy = .001, erode_size = 1, .show = F,
#            ref_white_ratio = 1/3, margin_white_ratio = 1.2, outer_white_ratio = 2, .verbose = F){
#     centers <-
#       array_piece %>%
#       binarize(., white_ratio) %>%
#       piece2center(., occupancy, erode_size, .show, .verbose)
#     marker <-
#       array_piece * mask_marker(centers, ref_white_ratio, .fill = NA)
#     target <-
#       array_piece * mask_target(centers, margin_white_ratio, outer_white_ratio, .fill = NA)
#     centers %>%
#       bind_rows %>%
#       mutate(z = seq_along(x)) %>%
#       list(marker = marker, target = target, center = .)
#   }
# summarise_marker <-
#   function(per_marker){
#     temp <-
#       per_marker[1:2] %>%
#       map(~ plyr::adply(., .margins = 3, .fun = c(median = median, mean = mean), na.rm = T, .id = "file") %>%
#             mutate(z = seq_along(file)))
#     inner_join(temp$marker, temp$target, by = c("file", "z"), suffix = c("_marker", "_target")) %>%
#       mutate(median_reflectance = median_target / median_marker,
#              mean_reflectance = mean_target / mean_marker) %>%
#       select(file, z, everything())
#   }
# img2piece <-
#   function(img, location){
#     if(nrow(location) != 1){
#       stop("Error in img2piece. nrow(location) != 1.")
#     }
#     piece <- trim(img, x = location$x, y = location$y, size = location$size)
#     attributes(piece)$originals <- location
#     return(piece)
#   }
# binarize <-
#   function(img, white_ratio = .95){
#     if(length(dim(img)) == 2){
#       img <- add_dim(img)
#     }
#     img %>%
#       add_dim %>%
#       imager::threshold(paste0(white_ratio * 100, "%")) %>%
#       # thresh(., w = size * window, h = size * window, offset) %>%
#       .[,,,1] %>%
#       EBImage::fillHull()
#   }
# check_pieces <-
#   function(img, white_ratio = .95, occupancy = .001, erode_size = 1, ...){
#     img_2d_bw <-
#       binarize(img, white_ratio) %>%
#       EBImage::dilate(kern = EBImage::makeBrush(erode_size, shape = "disc")) %>%
#       EBImage::bwlabel()
#     show(img - (!img_2d_bw) * .5, ...)
#   }
# piece2center <-
#   function(img_bw, occupancy = .001, erode_size = 1, .show = F, .verbose = F){
#     img_2d_bw <-
#       img_bw %>%
#       EBImage::dilate(kern = EBImage::makeBrush(erode_size, shape = "disc")) %>%
#       EBImage::bwlabel() %>%
#       unstack
#     centers <-
#       img_2d_bw %>%
#       map(function(img_mtrx){
#         computed_shape_info <-
#           img_mtrx %>%
#           EBImage::computeFeatures.shape() %>%
#           as_tibble
#         if(nrow(computed_shape_info) == 0){
#           stop("Error in detecting marker-center: no white area was found")
#         }
#         marker_detected <-
#           computed_shape_info %>%
#           mutate(row_index = seq_along(s.area),
#                  expected_size = dim(img_bw)[1] * dim(img_bw)[2] * occupancy) %>%
#           filter(s.area > expected_size) %>%
#           arrange(desc(s.area))
#         if(nrow(marker_detected) > 1 & .verbose){
#           warning("Warning in detecting marker-center: several white areas were detected")
#         }
#         computed_moment_info <-
#           EBImage::computeFeatures.moment(img_mtrx) %>%
#           as_tibble
#         row_index_of_maximum_area <- marker_detected$row_index[1]
#         radius_of_maximum_area <- marker_detected$s.radius.mean[1]
#         computed_moment_info[row_index_of_maximum_area,] %>%
#           transmute(x = round(m.cx), y = round(m.cy), radius_white = radius_of_maximum_area, erode = erode_size)
#       })
#     attributes(centers)$piece_dim <- dim(img_bw)
#     return(centers)
#   }
# mask_marker <-
#   function(center, ref_white_ratio = 1/3, .fill = 0){
#     out_dim <- c(attributes(center)$piece_dim[1:2], 1)
#     center %>%
#       map(function(center_z){
#         overdraw(array(.fill, dim = out_dim), x_cent = center_z$x, y_cent = center_z$y,
#                  size = center_z$radius_white * ref_white_ratio, by = 1)
#         }) %>%
#       stack
#   }
# mask_target <-
#   function(center, margin_white_ratio = 1.2, outer_white_ratio = 2, .fill = 0){
#     out_dim <- c(attributes(center)$piece_dim[1:2], 1)
#     center %>%
#       map(function(center_z){
#         overdraw(array(.fill, dim = out_dim), x_cent = center_z$x, y_cent = center_z$y,
#                  size = center_z$radius_white * outer_white_ratio, by = 1) %>%
#         overdraw(x_cent = center_z$x, y_cent = center_z$y,
#                  size = center_z$radius_white * margin_white_ratio, by = .fill)
#       }) %>%
#       stack
#   }
# #### False color mapping for visualization of the selected regions
# piece_false_color <-
#   function(img_raw, mask1, mask2, int_mask1 = 1, int_mask2 = 1){
#     dims <- dim(img_raw)
#     out_img <-
#       EBImage::Image(img_raw) %>%
#       EBImage::channel("rgb")
#     out_img[,,1,] <- out_img[,,1,] + (mask1) * int_mask1
#     out_img[,,3,] <- out_img[,,3,] + (mask2) * int_mask2
#     attributes(out_img)$originals <- attributes(img_raw)$originals
#     return(out_img)
#   }
# merge_piece <-
#   function(piece, img){
#     piece_location <-
#       attributes(piece)$originals
#     x_range <-
#       piece_location %>%
#       {(.$x - .$size):(.$x + .$size)}
#     y_range <-
#       piece_location %>%
#       {(.$y - .$size):(.$y + .$size)}
#     dim_img <- length(dim(img))
#     if(dim_img == 4){
#       img[x_range, y_range,,] <- piece
#       return(img)
#     } else if(dim_img == 3){
#       img[x_range, y_range,] <- piece
#       return(img)
#     } else {
#       img[x_range, y_range] <- piece
#       return(img)
#     }
#   }
# img_false_color <-
#   function(img, list_pieces){
#     result <-
#       EBImage::Image(img) %>%
#       EBImage::channel("rgb")
#     for(i in seq_along(list_pieces)){
#       piece <- list_pieces[[i]]
#       piece_location <- attributes(piece)$originals
#       x_range <-
#         piece_location %>%
#         {(.$x - .$size):(.$x + .$size)}
#       y_range <-
#         piece_location %>%
#         {(.$y - .$size):(.$y + .$size)}
#       result[x_range, y_range, ,] <- piece
#       # result[x_range, y_range, 3,] <- piece[,, 3, ]
#     }
#     return(result)
#   }
KeachMurakami/dualband documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:23 p.m.